Tuesday, August 31, 2021

After Losing The War In Afghanistan, President Biden Will Shift To His Domestic Agenda

US President Joe Biden will hope to pivot from the Afghan disaster to his domestic agenda SAUL LOEB AFP  

France 24: After Afghanistan, Biden stakes presidency on domestic battles 

This has been a miserable summer for Joe Biden but with the last troops out of Afghanistan the Democrat will now hope to relaunch his struggling presidency back home. 

From the initial chaos in which Afghans tried clinging to departing US planes, to last Thursday's deaths of 13 US service members in a suicide bombing, the evacuation from Taliban-controlled Kabul has been ugly and traumatic. 

How much it has hurt Biden politically is the question ricocheting around the White House, Congress and a divided nation. 

A longtime former senator and two-term vice president, Biden long boasted of his foreign policy expertise. 

With close allies like Britain upset over the abrupt Afghan pullout and China mocking US policy from the sidelines, those claims are now tarnished. Some Republicans have demanded impeachment and government resignations.  

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WNU Editor: It is telling that many Democrats have been silent in the past few weeks while Afghanistan fell apart. Even Democrat leaders like Schumer and Pelosi, aside a few public appearances praising President Biden when the evacuations began, have gone silent this past week. 

They are politicians. 

They know that this has cost them politically, and that President Biden is toxic right now. 

I also suspect that their internal polls must be terrible right now.


  1. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/president-biden-job-approval-7320.html

    The polls make no sense. In my opinion the MSM is doubling down. It has been a study drip of bad news foe 2 straight weeks. The polls have held firm. The MSM put in a ripstop.


  2. Ripstop put into affect around August 20th.

  3. www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/direction_of_country-902.html


    They do not track. Ripstop.

    They weight the pols more and they shade the news reporting more.

  4. He'll focus on domestic policy. China can wait until he responds to them. It is the way it works, isn't it?

  5. Joe Biden is sinking and he is fleeing the Afghanistan reality for a domestic wish thinking. Too little too late. And as WNU said: our enemies will not forget us.
