Monday, August 16, 2021

President Biden To Address The Nation On The Deadly Chaos In Afghanistan

Biden tweeted before lunchtime on Monday that he would be returning to the White House to address the nation on the crisis in Afghanistan


Daily Mail: BREAKING NEWS: Biden will RETURN to DC from his Camp David 'vacation' and address the nation on Afghanistan at 3.45pm following intense criticism at his silence over the Taliban takeover 

* President Joe Biden is cutting his trip to Camp David short and will return to the White House Monday to deliver remarks on Afghanistan 

* The president is expected to speak at 3:45 p.m., according to updated guidance from the White House 

* Biden was originally supposed to stay at Camp David until Wednesday as part of an August vacation 

* Biden was being criticized for being out of sight as Afghanistan crumbled into chaos 

* Earlier Monday a senior adviser was only able to say he would address the nation 'soon' 

President Joe Biden is cutting his trip to Camp David short and will return to the White House Monday to deliver remarks on Afghanistan. 

The president is expected to speak at 3:45 p.m., according to updated guidance from the White House. 

Biden was originally supposed to stay at Camp David until Wednesday as part of an August vacation.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Will President Biden's address focus on who to blame, or will it be a view on what needs to be done in the days and weeks ahead. We shall know at 3:45PM EST 

My only advice to him is to not go back to Camp David to continue his vacation. The optics will be beyond terrible if he does.

More News On President Biden Giving An Address To The Nation On The Deadly Chaos In Afghanistan 

Biden to address nation on deadly chaos in Afghanistan -- AP  

Biden to speak Monday on Afghanistan -- The Hill  

Biden to return to White House for address on Afghanistan -- CNN  

President Biden to address the nation about Afghanistan as US hastily evacuates Kabul -- USA Today


  1. Most of the West is governed by illegitimate officials, put in power not by democratic vote, but by bankers and special interest groups

    Look at Afghanistan for evidence.. a war that cost 2.2 trillion (!) USD -- zero accomplishments, hundreds of thousands murdered, civilians, innocent people! And are the people held accountable for this inhumane crime? NO

    What happened to the trillions missing according to the Pentagons own audits, just before that "plane" hit the exact office in the pentagon that was doing those financial audits? (and what happened to the "plane"? all camera footage was taken and put away, I have seen one of the old ones.. it looked like a low flying missile hitting the 2nd floor office.. no plane would be that small)

    So, TRILLIONS gone missing, shady wars being conducted, hundreds of thousands of people murdered..

    And now, the people behind it, the globalists who want weak borders, now want you to take drugs that don't give you immunity but WEAKEN your immune system and growing spike proteins in your body..

    In August already, this caused a major upflare of respiratory diseases.. not because of some virus, but because of the vaccines they push on you. The same people who are above the law when it comes to money or killing scores of humans, women, children, men, the elderly..

    These monsters want you to take the drug. Do not.
    They have still power and are as dangerous like a wounded animal, BULLYING you into submission..

    Do not follow them. They have lost all authority and by all we know about them and their evil doings, they might not even be human. They are KILLING US ALL!

    We need the military to step in, remove these monsters from office - peacefully because we want to trial them publicly -- and then hold new elections, with voter ID! No more fraud! We must absolutely hang them for their crimes against humanity, their treasonous acts, all the filth, misery THEY propagate and the slavery system they want to put us under so we will never be able to hold them accountable

    ========== THE MILITARY MUST ACT NOW!!!!! ===========
    Remove all globalists from offices. They stole the elections everywhere. They are anti-human, anti-freedom

  2. 12:37 is a Russian or Chinese troll.

  3. No, I am not. YOU might be though lol

    Listen, friend.. if you do not see what's going on, has been going on for 2 decades and is now accelerating, I do not know what to tell you

    Good luck

  4. "Nobody blames the military. They’re trained to win and follow orders." - Victoria

    Victoria apparently is wrong. I believe she is after Reading Fernandez's essay "10 Ships".

    Do US generals know how to win? Did they or do they know what the center of gravity is? If they do not how do they win? Muddle through it?

    If I am correct, do you trust Milly or Austin? Are they smart?

  5. In some places, nations, it takes more than military might to win battles and wars.

  6. This is not about the military
    The military could easily win, if they went scorched earth.. but we don't want them to do that of course, so from the beginning this was an impossible mission, open ended, with no goal posts.. just a place we could sink trillions of dollars in


    Imagine you'd be an afghani and some country did that to you

    That's another country where the west is not welcome and China can swoop in

    Just like the globalists gave China all your money and what did you get in return? Your freedoms taken and unsafe drugs

    What happened after 9/11?
    Your freedoms got taken and they used fear to do it.. and they called it the patriot act

    This patriot act is now being used to target Patriots and label them as dissidents and terrorists because we ask questions about where our money went and when exactly the people will be held accountable for slaughtering babies and giving democracy a bad name?

    The same people behind 9/11 are the same people behind the election coup are the same people that push unsafe drugs on the entire global population on the most shaky science and if you ask questions or point out important dates, YOU are a terrorist now

    These are no longer democracies

    - Trillions missing
    - People being slaughtered without accountability
    - forced injections against all science and human rights

    We need the military to step in

    They're illegitimate tyrants

    What else is there to it? We all know it's true, all we need the military to do is hold new elections with voter ID

    Would take less than a week and humans would be free of these inhumane monsters, and if Democrats win, I'll salute them too

    But no more globalist tricks or they'll be executed by firing squad

  7. Good points,
    I might add that if you ask questions about

    1. 9/11
    2. Lockdowns
    3. Election

    You are being designated a terrorist.

    This is not a democracy anymore.
    They are going full war on humans.
    They are injecting us with unsafe drugs.
    They designate us terrorists for speaking out against the lockdowns that are killing much more than any virus could AND destroy our economies through pointless wars and lockdowns

    THEY are the enemy or all humans
    whatever THEY are, they are not legitimate and likely they are not what we would call humans.. they are psychopathic murderers who want a global communist society, in which YOU own nothing, and THEY will own everything..

    you will have no privacy
    you will not be allowed to travel
    they will constantly monitor you, what you say, everything

    THEY are the terrorists, terrorizing all nation states into submission

    THEY are the ones that manipulate markets

    WE must resist, trial them fairly, and then, likely hang them for what they have done for decades to us. DECADES of murdering, plundering and Satanist worship and human experimentation

    NO MORE!

  8. Looker

    the presser get start as soon as the animation department finished the rendering. They may have to call Pixar for help.

  9. Verbatim - copied directly from Homeland Security presentation (aired on MSNBC)

    - Opposition to covid measures
    - Claims of election fraud
    - 9/11 anniversary and religious holidays


    Science == Terrorism
    Integrity in election processes == Terrorism
    Religion == Terrorism

    That IS the definition of a state taken over by a marxist, fascist element.
    They shut down churches
    They brand christians as extremists in a country that was founded by Christians
    They want no more talk of election fraud

    These are the hallmarks of an illegitimate government trying to establish a party state in which the religion becomes the party and you better do as you are told and ask no more questions, or else


  10. Here is what Dr. Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test that is being used to produce false positives around the World for covid19) had to say about Fauci, before he died a year ahead of the outbreak

    The nobel prize winner and actual scientists says bascically Fauci knows nothing and is misleading us for the gain of power


    And ask yourself this: Why is the media not covering it? The central figure to the testing that's locking down the entire world, who invented the test, SAYS FAUCI IS A POWERHUNGRY PERSON WHO WILL DO ANYTHING TO YOU

    And what does Fauci do?
    Not only lie
    Not only experiment on live dogs and infect them with maggots for months until they die of pain
    No, Fauci wants globalisma and no more rights and human rights.. he wants human experimentation and population control and big pharma profits

  11. Taking bets on how many times he says *Trump".

  12. Gibraltar, Iceland, Singapore and Israel have some of the highest vaccination numbers in the World

    Iceland is nearing 100% of adults vaccinated. YET they have the biggest outbreak in SUMMER of respiratory diseases. It is the damn vaccinations. You can bet on it

    Same in Gibraltar and Singapore and Israel .. above 75% population vaccinated and in the summer they see already massive deaths.

    If you vaccinated, DO NOT take the booster shots and prepare yourself to get ready for the winter (operation "dark winter") .. you will get sick, as they weakened your immune system

    DO NOT go to the hospitals, they follow their protocol which they got from the WHO and the UN
    If they test you positive for covid (which they will, as they use the PCR test), they will want to put you to an emergency room with sick people and after few days they will use the ventilators (the marxist guillotine) to kill your ass, and get money for it under the hospital racketeering system

    Get your hands on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I know you remember the media making fun of it, what you don't know is that they all had to silently retract what they said about these cheap, readily available and safe drugs. THEY ARE MURDERING YOU WITH THE VACCINES

    And why do they lock down Australia so brutally?
    Australia has almost no covid deaths, and lowest vaccination (at about 25%)

    they are in a death cult, talking about the end of the World in 12 years (AOC literally said that) and tell you not to have children etc

    It's a depopulation plan and a plan to destroy our economies and then usher in the great reset, enslaving the rest of the people who survive the aftermath of the vaccines, lockdowns and operation hack attack

    Good luck

  13. They want to create a precedent in which individuality and individual rights are taken and a government can inject you like cattle, with anything. This time its experimental drugs, next time it might just be the direct kill shot.

    If you don't understand why they do it, please get this: They believe the World is overpopulated and have indocrinated our children to think the same. Same with global warming. Thirty years ago they tried to do "global cooling" here is a video of Spock (Leonard Nimoy), a useful Hollywood tool (don't get me wrong, I loved spock) to whip you into panic

    Today it's Arnold Schwarzenegger (a know Nazi sympathiser) telling you your freedom doesn't matter and compares it to stopping at a traffic light. This moron is either incapable of understanding inalienable human rights from traffic rules, OR-- and that's more likely-- he, like his daddy loves Nazism, loves Communism, loves Marxism, hates freedom, hates individual liberty and rights. People like Nemoy and Schwarzenegger are USED to trick you

    You were created in the image of God, with inalienable human rights
    They are pushing to take this away

    It is a clear sign of a marxist takeover in which individual rights must not exist but only the state party rules who is allowed to live, work, travel etc

    The military absolutely must act. If it does not, the people will. Too many know about what's going on, either they kill us all now, or we will tear Fauci, Klaus Schwab and these other globalist monsters into pieces for what they have done for decades.. all these wars THEY caused.. all the lies, fear mongering

    We will live freely -- a new age of mankind -- without the Davos Group, without the CCP, without Marxists, without communists trying to bash your head in or take your money and rights

    you swore an oath to the constitution, and likely to God, to protect us from enemies foreign and within.
    ACT! And the World will live freely and you will be heroes in eternity!
