Thursday, September 30, 2021

36 Members Of Congress Sign Letter Calling For Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's Immediate Release For Criticizing The U.S. Withdrawal From Afghanistan


Daily Mail: 36 members of Congress sign letter calling for Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller's immediate release from grim military brig after he was detained for repeatedly criticizing chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal 

* Hearing for Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller will determine today whether he's released from the Camp Lejeune brig 

* Members of the public and the media are prohibited from observing the high-profile case 

* He was jailed Monday for defying orders to stop posting videos online that condemned Joe Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan 

* Dozens of congressmembers are calling for him to be released from the lockup 

* His hearing was delayed Thursday as prosecutors and Scheller's lawyer seek to reach a resolution 

* A source close to Scheller's legal team say they hope to get him an honorable discharge 

Dozens of congressmembers have demanded the immediate release of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller after he was jailed for defying orders to stop publicly criticizing the nation's Afghanistan withdrawal. 

Scheller, 40, was arrested and jailed at the Camp Lejeune brig Monday for allegedly breaking four military laws by refusing orders to stop posting critical videos on social media. 

He was scheduled to make his first court appearance in North Carolina today, but the public – including elected officials and the media – are prohibited from attending.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller is not going to be released. The leadership want to make an example of him .... Marine officer who criticized military leaders over Afghanistan faces pre-trial hearing (CBS). 

More News On 36 Members Of Congress Signing A Letter Calling For The Release Of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller'  

Republicans demand briefing on jailed Marine officer who blasted military leaders over Afghanistan -- FOX News 

GOP lawmakers call for Marine who criticized Afghanistan withdrawal to be taken out of the brig -- Washington Examiner  

Dozens of lawmakers demand release of Marine lieutenant colonel from pretrial confinement -- Task & Purpose


  1. WNU,
    You are right, but this will make the anger of American's worse!


  2. One of a number of reasons why I didn't stay in the army.

  3. One critical vid could be forgiven, something done in the heat of the moment, let's say. But multiple critical vids? Fine when you're no longer active, but not when you're active. He knew full well what he was doing, and now he'll pay the price for it.

  4. for no particular reason:

    1. Voodoo child….I’ll chop that mountain with the edge of my hand

  5. Fine when you're no longer active, but not when you're active. He knew full well what he was doing, and now he'll pay the price for it.

    His choices.

    1) Quit and made vids, which the press suppresses.

    2) Armed Rebellion

    3) Make vids in uniform

    You should reconsider your debate position.

    Lance Corporal Hunter Clark – Who Rescued Baby in Kabul – Is Under Investigation by Department of Defense for Speaking at Trump Rally Out of Uniform

    The Lance corporal was out of uniform and they are still coming after him.

    There are more consequences for 2 border patrol agents doping their jobs than there are for top generals. The World is upside down and the situation is dire. They were given desk jobs based on a lie. The only reason they are not fired and in prison is because the evidence is on their side. But that is not enough. The evidence did not save them. the evidence and public outcry did.

    But all is not lost for preening liberals. They got to make statements and have their photo op.

    The video would not have been made if the evacuation flights had been 80% full of citizens, green card holders and SIVs instead of 3%

    It would not have been made with American deaths of the evacuation had been held at Bagram.

    Between the anti-racism stand down, giving up Bagram, the deaths, air lifting the wrong people all led to the vids.

    My standard is comparing Austin and Milley to the Revolt of the Admirals. The admirals would have led mass resignations followed by a publicity campaign that would embarrass the then administration. Milley and Austin did not have that much guts, so they failed their subordinates and the American people. Yet, they are still around.

  6. It amuses me to no end to see that the WNU Editor's political spectrum do a full 180 reversal when the show is on the other foot.

    In the past, under Trump, he has condemned/criticized soldiers who speak out against their commander and chief, stating that the Commander & Chief is the head of the army and they should toe the line.

    But under Obama and Biden, if anyone speaks out against them, he's suddenly in full support of them!

    I wish he would make up his mind!
