Thursday, September 23, 2021

A Mass Exodus Of People From Latin America To The U.S. Is Now Underway

Wall Street Journal: Latin American Migration, Once Limited to a Few Countries, Turns Into a Mass Exodus 

Haitian standoff in Texas reflects broader mix of nationalities fleeing pandemic-hobbled economies from around the hemisphere 

CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico—The gathering of thousands of Haitians at the Texas-Mexico border this past week reflects a stark change in migration patterns to the U.S., driven by Covid-19. A far broader mix of nationalities is turning up at the border than in the past. 

For decades, most crossers were Mexican men and, in recent years, families from the troubled Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, known as the Northern Triangle. 

Suddenly Ecuadoreans, Brazilians, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Haitians and Cubans are turning up by the hundreds of thousands, a trend that accelerated sharply in the past six months. 

From October 2020 through August, nearly 300,000 migrants from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle were encountered at the border, a fifth of all crossings. 

For all of fiscal 2020, when the pandemic slowed the flow of migrants, the figure was nearly 44,000, or 11% of crossings. In fiscal 2019, it was 77,000, or 9% of crossings; and the year before it was only 21,000, or 5%. As recently as 2007 such migrants represented less than 1%. 

Among the fastest-growing groups are Haitians. From October of last year through this August, about 28,000 Haitians were arrested trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. That is six times the 4,400 arrested during the entire 2020 fiscal year that ended last September. 

The broad wave includes single mothers from Ecuador, Nicaraguan teenagers and farm laborers in Chile. Many cite the same reasons for uprooting their lives and heading north: economic hits from the pandemic that cost jobs and income, the allure of a booming U.S. economy and the belief that President Biden’s administration would welcome them.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: My friends who live in the Americas along with readers of WNU who live in places like Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and Ecuador ... all of them have been warning me for years that this mass exodus of people from Latin America was going to happen. That it will not be 1 or 2 million a year crossing the U.S. border, but 5 to 10 million a year, and these migrants will be coming from everywhere. 

I have always been skeptical. The logistics of millions of people deciding at the same time  to migrate to the U.S. is daunting and very risky. 

But I am the first to admit that the pandemic changed everything. And with the Biden administration giving mixed signals at the border, all that I can say is that if I was a migrant from a place like Haiti, I would be doing everything in my power to get into the U.S. before Washington figures out what it wants to do.


  1. Build a wall...

    Oh, I forgot, that's racist...

    1. Won’t do anything. There’s things called tunnels/ladders and mountains and rivers

  2. The great replacement is underway. Its happening in Europe also. Keep ducking 🙈

  3. First step must be to disenfranchise the traitorous Democrat voters.

    Next remove all Democrat politicians.

    With that done, the illegals can be rounded up and expelled from the USA.

  4. X = G = Lapides.

    "Won’t do anything. There’s things called tunnels/ladders and mountains and rivers" And Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

    The wall had sensors to detect underground movement. Don't you remember> You criticize Trump for talking about it.

    In Texas the rivers are the barrier. There are also wall near the barrier running along it.

    Maybe X(Lapides) has not seen the Great Wall of China or Hadrian's wall. Those are built on hills and mountains and in some cases the mountain enhance the effectiveness of the wall.

    When a drone sees a group with a ladder they can get in their vehicles and meet the

    On the Topic of Sock Puppet X. Sock Puppet X used two complete sentences (well almost) with capitalization and punctuation. Mostly in the past Sock Puppet X has given us random sentences fragments of drivel either to beat us with its stupidity or someone was off their stuff. Either way someone owes us an apology, the writer or their caretaker.

  5. 4:29 get a fucking life and say something beyond school girl playground yapping. Small wonder you have no friends and no life but one as underclass min wage drone

    Ever wonder why so many nations in Central and South America are so unstable in so many ways over the years? Ever contemplate the near future when there will be so many climate refugees?

    As for getting rid of Democrats, elected or just voters, that is Hitlarian idea and did not work out.

  6. Build a non-racist wall. Give every 'merican a non-racist whip. Put non-racist piranha feeshes in the border rivers. Repel the invaders or perish....and give up 'mericas whiteness.

  7. Thousands of Haitian migrants who flocked to Del Rio were already working and living comfortably as refugees in CHILE and only set off for the US after Biden scrapped Trump-era deportation policy

    These Haitians are not seeking asylum. They are seeking welfare. Many of them were living in Chile. Chile is a nice country. I've been there. Some of them have been living in South America for 2, 3 or more years. There is no reason for Resident Joe to invite them in.

    I have been lived or visited Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Brasil, Panama and Chile. I have much more of an idea of what is happening there than you do. Just looking at the map and seeing the population growth, factories and housing, there are no climate change refugees.

    In a few months we are entering year 34 from the time Hansen called the climate emergency. Ice caps are still here and with in normal parameters and polar bears still here and their populations growing. There is still snow in England and other places.

    So WTF are you talking about. We only have to listen to your insane garbage a few more years before there is no combination of dosages, which work for you.

    Britain is literally coming to ah alt because of insane, stupid and dumb people like you vote and make you opinion known.

  8. It's the planned demolition of the United states. Part of the great reset is to delegitimise prior systems, from values (judeo Christian value system in the west), to borders, nation states and the capitalist system

    The replacement strategy is part of it, so you keep fighting along each other and your agreed and traditional value system is further worded

    They do this to completely take over.
    And if you look at their ruthlessness and how they position themselves, as untouchables who decide over truth and life, tells me we better reject this and hold all involved accountable to the maximum extent of the law.

  9. 6:57 had nothing but an ad hominem attack. 'lil peckerhead is scared that the Dim plan might backfire.

