Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Check Out China's Massive 11-Barrel Naval Gatling Gun (Video)


Warzone/The Drive: China's Massive 11-Barrel Naval Gatling Gun Has Been Adapted For Close-In Defense On Land 

The trailer-mounted gun could give Chinese land units a fearsome defense against low-flying aircraft, cruise missiles, and even possibly artillery. 

China has unveiled a new 11-barrel version of its ground-based 30mm air-defense system, with a trailer-mounted adaptation seemingly optimized for the point-defense of key installations. The new weapon, and its seven-barrel predecessor, are both based on existing shipborne anti-aircraft artillery systems. Although the exact capabilities of the new weapon are unconfirmed, the 11-barrel mobile Gatling-style cannon would be effective against low-flying helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, and cruise missiles, as well as offering a powerful counter to the growing threat posed by small drones. Furthermore, it could even fulfill a role similar to the U.S.-developed Centurion Counter-Rocket, Artillery, Mortar (C-RAM) system.  

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WNU Editor: That's a lot of firepower to have on land.


  1. 11 barrels? Probably because it’s not accurate.

  2. What is it with you and glorification of the Chinese, all of you do it for some reason.

  3. Glorification? It is not like the Chinese are stupid. I had one Chinese instructor for 3rd semester calc and two Chinese instructors in grad school. The Chinee have more STEM grads than the US every year. More is not always better, but between theft, reverse engineering, actually making physical product in actually machine shops and manufacturing lines, sooner or later they will actually catch-on, catch-up, and perhaps surpass us.

    But we will always be the leader in 57 genders. So there is that.

  4. The last fight they had they got their asses kicked by Vietnam in the 1970s, Like Russia they are highly overrated.
