Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Covid-19 Revolt Grows In Australia


Daily Mail: Australian police fire rubber bullets to clear demonstration at Melbourne's war memorial as third day of rallies by anti-vaxxers turns violent 

* Hundreds of protesters stormed Melbourne's WWI Shrine of Remembrance on Wednesday afternoon 

* After a tense standoff throughout the day, riot squad cops fired rubber bullets to disperse the rowdy mob 

* Several protesters were arrested during start of third day of anti-vaxx demonstrations 

* It came in response to the closure of the construction industry due to soaring cases of coronavirus 

* Daniel Andrews and Prime Minister Scott Morrison have condemned the violence and called for calm 

Police have fired rubber bullets, stinger grenades and pepper balls at anti-vaxx protesters stationed at Melbourne's war memorial on a third day of violent demonstrations. 

Around 400 people, who have been rallying to demand an end to mandatory vaccinations for construction workers, swarmed Victoria's Shrine of Remembrance which was built to honour the state's men and women who served in the First World War. 

Throughout Wednesday the mob chanted 'lest we forget' as they stood in front of the monument, some decked out in body armour and helmets in anticipation of a police attack while others urged officers not to arrest them out of 'respect for the Anzacs'.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Melbourne police arrest 200 at COVID-19 lockdown protests (Reuters)  

Update #2: Melbourne police break up anti-lockdown protest with non-lethal rounds and teargas (The Guardian)  

WNU Editor: Rebel News reporter Avi Yemeni has been covering these growing protests in Australia for months. Check out his latest report below where hundreds (if not more) steelworkers are attacking their union house for supporting vaccine mandates (starts at the 7:00 mark in the video): 


  1. Two Men Arrested for Smuggling Buckets of KFC Chicken and All the Fixings into Auckland Despite Strict COVID Lockdown

    Smuggling alcohol during Prohibition? No.

    Smuggling Drugs? No.

    Smuggling Guns? No.

    Only liberals, dirty liberals, could make transporting food a crime.


  2. Yes, take down the rascal Morrison.

  3. The AUS government has gone full Chicom. I admire these patriots pushing back hard on a once representative, now tyrannical police state.

    /never should have turned in your guns, OZ

  4. Fazman just a few days ago told us all it's "fake news"

    If you're sick of misinformation, watch this and see what's going on, while you're being told it's "fake news, fake news, mate"

    Latest update on Australia's war on humans rights, I mean war on covid

    1. Lol, you do realise 90% of the Australian public supports this police action and is AGAINST these demonstrators. Lmao,

  5. Faz,

    most of that 90% are scared shitless, the others are on the take.

    Andrews and his medico-fasc junta have paid of public and private sector union bosses like the wife-beater Setka, to ram their lockdowns and forced vaccination regime down people's throats. He's been shoveling public money around to pay off cops (lots of ot to enforce the lockdowns), puff up the hotel industry (quarantine houses), and trying to set up sweet deals for his 'friend' (see: benefactor) Fox, who owns an airport Andrews was working a deal to make into a quarantine camp.

    Now Oz workers will be forced to cough up on Big Pharma and associated $takeholders' 40 and get vacced or starve. Funny how Joe and the R2P crowd aren't pushing colour revolution in Oz or making threatening sounds in tge UNSC over how Aussies are being treated by the government.

    Harrassment involving searches in the street, at home, fines for... anything, arrests, repression of dissent - can't even be out jogging with a anti lockdown slogan on your shirt- all so fascist gangsters like Andrews, Morrison and bougie backers can get fatter - as long as the real big cappos of big pharm/capital get to run their junk in Oz.

    It's bullshit and those people have a right to resist - and not even nearly all of them are "neo nazis" or whatever. Quite the opposite - they're workers who don't want to live in a fascist dictatorship.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Fazman,

    I hope you have a level of sentience above that of Fred. About on in 6th colds before 2020 were caused by coronas a virus instead of rhinovirus. People got 4 to 6 cold as year on average. So chances are before 2020 chances are a person got corona once every 1 or 2 years.

    Unless the spike proteins majorly changed, people would still recognize them in 2020 from previous years. Mutation might add or subtract nucleotides from the spike protein and so the body might not recognize the new virus variant. I would bet that the body can recognize a range of mutations. Sort of like interchangeable parts are interchangeable, but not a one of them is exact or exactly like the other. They just have to be in tolerance. A virus might have a few more or few less spike proteins and it will make it more or less infectious to a cell, it is not all that novel.

    Just heard some PSAs over the radio. They were asking people to get flu shots, because people can get flu and corona at the same time. This leaves me confused were told lost winter that the flu had gone away because corona out completed it. Now we are being told the opposite.

    So it leads me to wonder how many people really died last winter of corona solely, flu solely, or flu and corona. Never mind the purposeful lies of designating homicide victims as COVID victims.

    Now the public is being told of the mechanism how RSV and corona can mutate and mix and match parts. Which all makes sense. But corona, rhino, influenza, RSV, could have mixed and matched parts last winter and every winter going back to the Cambrian. But no we were told that corona shoved influenza out of the picture and magazines asked "Is it the end of the flu?"

    I do not see the reason for people to be locked down for the common cold. I do see the need for better HVAC filtering. I see the need for people to to maintain a healthy weight etc.

    If you want you lock down you can keep your lockdown. I mean something had to replace the explanation of divine right for the ruling class. I think you are perfectly happy to curtsy and bow and give up your earnings. After all they have snazzy new explanations and public administration degrees.

  8. It always good to hear fazman chime in. He seems to know what's happening in Australia. He reminds me of Kevin Rudd the ex Prime Minister that speaks Chinese.

  9. So many gmail account with start dates of 2016.

  10. 10:04 (Fred Lapides)

    That is off topic and you already posted it on another blogpost

  11. "If Haiti, a God awful thing to say, if Haiti just quietly sunk into the Caribbean or rose up 300 feet, it wouldn't matter a whole lot in terms of our interest,"

    - Joe Biden 1994
