Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Fighting Rages In Yemen's Oil Rich Province Of Marib


The National: Fighting rages in Yemen's oil rich Marib as Houthis surround city 

City is close to being surrounded by Houthi militias Scores of people were killed in fighting between pro-government forces and Iran-backed Houthi militias in Marib governorate in northern Yemen this week. 

"More than 120 Houthi rebels were killed in fierce clashes in the mountainous terrain between the districts of Harib and Al Jobah, southern Marib in the last couple of days" Mohammed Al Qardaie, a tribal leader fighting alongside the Yemen government, told The National on Tuesday. 

The ancient city of Marib is a vital transport hub in the country's rugged north and serves as a gateway to other government-held provinces.  

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More News On The Yemen War  

At Least 100 Killed in Clashes for Yemen’s Marib: Military Sources -- Defense Post/AFP  

Scores killed in fierce fighting over Yemen's strategic city of Marib -- France 24  

Houthis besiege thousands of civilians in Marib’s Al-Abedia -- Arab News  

US 'spy' drone 'taken out by Houthis' above Marib region -- The New Arab


  1. Gov. De Santis compares Australia to China, and even considers it to be WORSE(!) over there. Check it out, 2min in:

    Or, as fazman (deep state shill) put it, just a week ago here on this blog "fake news, mate, it's not as bad as you make it out to be"... like wtf fazman.. YOU will be enslaved too by this system you help create, you understand that, mate?

  2. Keep killing each other.....that's the way we like it aha aha....
