Friday, September 24, 2021

Is The Main Stream Media Souring On President Biden?

Biden got some unflattering comparisons to President Trump from top media organizations this week while polls show American voters may like him less than the Republican  

Daily Mail: Now N.Y. Times compares Biden to Trump over border crisis and Afghanistan debacle after Washington Post slammed him over freedom of the press 

* Two pieces published in the New York Times compared Biden to Trump 

* The president has tried to define his administration as the antithesis to Trump's 

* But his handling of Afghanistan and the border crisis have drawn parallels 

* Democratic allies have been surprised and disappointed by actions they perceive to be Trumpian, particularly his expulsion of Haitian migrants 

* He's invoked Trump-era COVID rule Title 42 to clear a TX migrant encampment 

* On Tuesday the Washington Post compared Trump to Biden in criticizing him

A slew of critical news coverage from the mainstream media and record-low approval polls are the latest evidence the United States is souring on President Joe Biden. 

The New York Times published two pieces on Wednesday comparing Biden to former President Donald Trump despite the former building his administration on the promise he would be different than his controversial Republican predecessor. 

The pieces cite Biden's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal and the ongoing border crisis, pointing out his falling back on policies and decisions even he himself maligned while Trump was in office.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: President Biden is not like former President Trump, even though media outlets like the New York times are trying to make that comparison. 

And as for news outlets like the Washington Post and the New York Times now being critical of President Biden. I believe this is only going to last for the short term.


  1. Biden never mattered. If the media is blowing Biden up it is because they are ready to discard him for something else. They got alot of their destroy liberty agenda in through him but it all goes to waste if he is the president in November 2022. I can't imagine that Harris is part of the that plan but they are stuck with her.


  2. Much of the country's media was responsible for biden's election.

    Enjoying your triumph? Suck it up, buttercup.

  3. Been watching this shit for decades now. It doesn't change. In the present instance, the best strategy is to unleash both barrels on the administration for its obvious foiables. Then, while there's still time before the elections, begin to find (invent) postive things to report on that slowly lift them in the polls, just in time for the election. It's. All. Bullshit.
