Wednesday, September 29, 2021

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Says They Are Getting Ready For A 'Potentially Catastrophic' US Credit Default

Senators fail to pass the government funding bill on September 27, 2021  

Daily Mail: JPMorgan Chase boss Jamie Dimon says the bank is preparing for a 'potentially catastrophic' federal default on October 18 if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling while passing Biden's $3.5T spending bill 

* Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said Tuesday the bank is preparing for US credit default 

* Government funding will expire unless Democrats resolve internal disputes 

* Treasury says default will occur by October 18 unless borrowing limit is raised 

* Biden faces two holdout Democrat senators who want cuts to his spending plan 

* Dimon says he expects policymakers to find a solution as they have in the past 

JPMorgan Chase has begun preparing for the possibility of the United States hitting its debt limit, CEO Jamie Dimon told Reuters on Tuesday, adding he nevertheless expected policymakers to find a solution to avoid that 'potentially catastrophic' event. 

With federal funding due to expire on Thursday and a potential debt default by October 18, Democrats who narrowly control the Senate and House are racing to head off fiscal disaster while also passing President Joe Biden's ambitious $3.5 billion spending package. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Dimon says JPMorgan preparing for 'potentially catastrophic' US credit default -- The Hill 

Update #2: JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon cautions a U.S. default would be ‘potentially catastrophic’ -- CNBC/Reuters  

WNU Editor: Democrats are now exploring ways to avoid Congressional approval for a raise in the debt ceiling .... Democrats Suggest Giving President, Treasury Power To Raise Debt Limit (Zero Hedge).


  1. Republicans are playing chicken to see, who will blink first.

    Democrats play chicken often, but now the shoe is on the other foot, they are crying.

    I've read where the Roman Empire falling was a good thing, because it reinvigorated society. Rome had become moribund.

    How about America? Like Rome it is who you know; and rules are arbitrary. Government spending is by printing fantasy money.

  2. Republicans want a fight, if the left gives them an excuse and the media has no choice but to cover it fairly, the Republicans will not back down. But, as long ad the media backs the corrupt treasonous cabal, this charade of FIAT money will go on. In the US as well as in Asia and Europe. The world is 30 trillion in debt. That's a few ten thousand dollar debt per person on average. Credit card debt and student loan debt - at the forefront on personal debt, but there's also corporate debt ags governmental debt which is far more than there personal debt, but in short there's no way this can go on, in any country, and the US is included in this.

    And they know that it'll happen soon. That's why the left was willing to so blatantly steal the election because the great reset first and foremost is a plan to protect them from you. They predict societal collapse by 2030 due to automation they caused. But to give cover for it and distract you while the monopoly game comes to an end and you're being enslaved fully, they push racial tensions on you and divide you in as many sections as possible, along genders, race and religion, and even vaccine. What they do while you and I look away is to a) steal what's left in the kitchen for them and their criminal partners, b) put laws in place to easily detain you and or keep the emergency/quasi martial law going thanks to covid, that oh so deadly virus c) put people in place to defend them and replace good cops and good military people with bootlickers

    And once this is finalized, in just a couple more months, they'll bring down the boot. They'll use some excuse, covid or terrorism or whatever, to then fill up those camps they built.

    People never realise when they're forced at gun point to shovel their graves that just 5min from now they'll be lying in it. It's a disconnect we all have.


    That's what they're doing
    It's a globally coordinated move of highly corrupt, highly compromised individuals who know their punishment will be death already, so they'll double down.
    A few countries have left this cult, I'm sure you noticed.. India, Russia, Japan, Denmark, Sweden.. there's more breaking away.

    Those who keep the lockdowns going and the vaccine passports in other countries.. those are the enemies of the people and they revealed themselves and their corruption beautifully

  3. get over it. the election was not stolen. rime for you to smarten up
    Prove that it was stolen!
    where are your facts?
    Where is your evidence?
    "well it must have been stolen because D. Trump said it was." that is my evidence. Ignore the popular vote. Ignore the electoral college. Ignore the recounts. Ignore the 30 court case all lost Trump said so and so it must be true.

  4. And the grandkids will feel lucky never to have met grandpa.

  5. It makes sense. Who are we talking about?
