Friday, September 24, 2021

President Biden Vows Border Agents On Horseback Who Tried To Stop Migrants Crossing Into The US Will 'Pay' And Face The ‘Consequences’ For Doing Their Job


Daily Mail: 'Those people will pay': Biden warns Border Protection agents will face 'consequences' for debunked claim they 'strapped' migrants, despite photographer saying he saw no such thing - as Kamala compares it to SLAVERY 

* President Joe Biden vowed the border agents on horseback who chased migrants trying to cross the Southern border will 'pay' 

* He called the photos of agents on horseback chasing migrants 'horrible to see' 

* 'I promise you those people will pay,' he said 

* But he didn't address the greater situation at the border, where thousands of migrants are camped out as they wait to see if they can get into US

* Photographer Paul Ratje, who took the pics, said his images were dramatically misinterpreted 

* Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said the agents will not continue to use horses at the border as part of their patrols 

* Progressive Democrats and members of the Congressional Black Caucus were particularly outraged by the images, comparing them to slavery 

President Joe Biden on Friday vowed the border agents on horseback who tried to stop migrants crossing the into the US will 'pay' and face the ‘consequences’ of their actions. 

The president called the photos of agents on horseback intercepting migrants 'horrible to see'. 

However the photographer who took the controversial images said the border agents did not whip the Haitian migrants – after it was wrongly and widely reported that they did.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden and Harris harshly condemn horseback wrangling depicted in images from US-Mexico border (CNN)  

Update #2: Biden warns mounted Border Patrol agents charging migrants in Del Rio sector: 'Those people will pay' (FOX News)  

WNU Editor: The Border Patrol are doing their job .... guarding the border. And as for President Biden's claims .... Border Patrol stunned as Biden goes to war with his own agents over false 'whipping' allegations (FOX News). More here .... It Never Happened: Photographer Who Took Viral Border Patrol 'Whipping' Photo Says Nobody Was Whipped (Zero Hedge). 

Update #3: There is video (see below):


  1. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't--it is not Trump
    tip: that entire place is now cleared of immigrants

  2. Background: When DOJ authored the memo, Democrats were looking to probe all sorts of Trump administration conduct. But Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate — and therefore every committee gavel.

    Democrats pounced on the DOJ policy as an effort to stymie those investigations.
    “With this order, President Trump is making his disregard for transparency and his lack of respect for Congress’s oversight role crystal clear," House speaker Nancy Pelosi said at the time.
    “We cannot do our jobs if the Trump Administration adopts this unprecedented new policy," said the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, who chaired the House Oversight Committee.

    Be smart: Shifts in partisan power in Washington tend to change each party's attitude on the rights of congressional minorities. But some Republicans who signed on to Friday's letter also spoke out against the policy under Trump.

  3. If there were a real whip, it would have been confiscated and we would have a photo of it.

    Maybe Joy Reid of MSMBC could show us an example of the whip that was allegedly used or she could apologize. She will do neither.

    Border agents live in border communities and have extended family there. Those border communities/counties were bluish. They are trending red and will continue to trend red especially with Resident Biden lying and making life tough on the communities by decreasing their public safety and putting their bread winners at risk. KEEP IT UP BIDUMB!

    Joyless Reid and the other liberals show that outside of liberal nobility like Bill Gates, The Boss, and others, they do not know much at all about horse tack. While it is generally not needed in daily life to know such things, many people have a passing familiarity due to movies, novels or other reasons. It makes you wonder how sheltered liberal journalists and politicians are.

    TBH I know what bit, bridle and reigns are, but I did not know or remember what split reigns are. Still a TV personality has a staff behind them that are suppose to check facts. So it is just not Joyless Reid that is ignorant as all get out.

    Photographer, who took the picture, said no one was whipped, but it is not good enough for liberals.

    Which leads many people to the conclusion that ignorant or not, the Democrats sole purpose is to gin up a controversy to deflect attention form Resident Biden's poor immigration and border policies.

    So basically, Democrats will magnify a real or imagined racial slight or incident and pour gasoline on it, if it will get them out of trouble. I am sick of it and will do things about it in various ways. America is or was the best country for interracial people. Brazil is pretty good too. Democrats are messing it up and it hurts, since I married a foreigner form another continent and of another race, This is visceral for me, these jackwagons in the Democrat Party are engaging in political arson.

  4. tip: that entire place is now cleared of immigrants

    They sent 10% of the to Haiti and the rest were bussed to places unknown in the US. So now they are on welfare. Thankyou 4:27 you miserable fuck.

    The time the Haitians were in del Rio left a mark on the community of Del Rio,. It will be remembered all along the border. Democrats will lose most, if not all the border counties in the next election.

  5. “To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.” - Joe BiDumb

    Anyone see a person ran over or trample by a horse? No, because the damn fool made it up.

  6. Biden has not once taken the side of Americans in any dealing he has had. Especially law enforcement. Biden gave the order to kill 3 Afghan aid workers and 7 children in a drone strike, but he's much more upset by this video of BP officers doing their job.



  7. "tip: that entire place is now cleared of immigrants"

    No kidding, because they hijacked busses.

    Haitian migrants hijack buses, further embarrassing Biden administration

    So to hijack a bus, they

    1. Assaulted the bus driver
    2. Stole a vehicle
    3. Drove without a license. Worse they drove without a CDL
    4. Drove without insurance

    Do you suppose a person with worthless education and profession know what a CDL is?

    There are probably other felonies and misdemeanors as well.

    If or when one of those busses hit and American, will 4:27 still be congratulating themselves?


    Copy and paste monkey was hard at work at 4:27. I have met capuchins with more brain power than 4:27

  9. Who will pay for the 7 children killed in that pointless yet somehow 'righteous' drone strike?

  10. Wow, your country is barbaric , your law enforcement is out of control and representative of a totalitarian nazi state.
    You are all puppets , and sheep allowing this genocide on your doorstep.
    LMFAO....This is bullshit misrepresenting reporting ,
    Do you now comprehend how ridiculous and ill-informed your ridiculous cments about Australia ,our police, and their response to our insignificant protest was anon ...ohh the hypocrisy

  11. Looking forward to Don Lemon's unbiased and insightful perspective on this lol
    He's a true American. A patriot. Just like Biden. And Pelosi. And Schumer. They're all loving people. I voted for all of them, some are not even running for office. Democracy in US is beautiful, we all get to participate and send wishlist to you and if you reject we get to call you nazi and racist and get you fired and make your families leave you, the bigot you are lol:)

  12. DHS Secretary MayJerkus (around) said: 'today, we have no migrants remaining in the camp'

    Now they are just in other camps, army bases, federally facilities or dumped in American cities.

  13. I think I'll just spam this again.

    List of Democrat/Media Lies:

    Steele Dossier
    Russian Collusion
    Bret Kavanaugh: "Gang Rapist"
    Ukraine Phone Call Gate
    Jussie Smollet: Trumper Hate Crime
    Covington Kids harassed indian guy Phillips
    Covid-19 Came From Wuhan Wet Market
    Hunter Biden laptop - Nothing to See Here
    74<81 legitimate election 2020
    Russian Bounties on US soldiers
    Jan 6 "Organized White Supremacist Insurrection"
    Fire Extinguisher Killed CP Brian Sicknick
    Lafayette Park Cleared for Trump photo op
    GOP Defunded Police
    Michael Avenatti: "Trump's worst nightmare"
    Georgia, Texas Voting Laws are Jim Crow 2.0
    Hunter Biden Artwork Sales Not an Influence Scheme
    White Supremacists Plotted to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer
    Andrew Cuomo: "America's Governor"
    Biden's AFG Surrender Was an "Extraordinary Success"
    "The Southern Border is Under Control"
    Texas Border Patrol Whips/Straps Haitians

  14. Hey faaazmaaan look.. in Australia.. fake news, mate, fake news lol

    Fazman is like CNN now in my book
    Watch just the first few minutes and you'll understand what the situation is in Australia

  15. NBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/CNN/NTY/ WP executive: Quick! We need a few stiories that will bury this. Are we all on the same page here? Good. Get to work.
