Monday, September 27, 2021

President Biden's Approval Numbers Are Now Lower Than President Trump's At This Point In His Presidency

Newsmax: Rasmussen Poll: Biden Disapproval Hits New High of 58 Percent 

Disapproval of President Joe Biden has reached a high of 58%, while his approval index rating has cratered to a year-long low of negative 29, according to the Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. 

Just 40% of likely U.S. voters approve of Biden's job performance, which is also a low point for his first nine months in office.

 Just 21% "strongly approve" of the job Biden is doing, while a majority 50% strongly disapprove, which represents the negative 29 in the Presidential Approval Index in the daily presidential tracking poll.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Hill-HarrisX poll says that 47% of Americans still approve of President Biden's performance as President .... Poll: 47 percent approve of Biden's job as president (The Hill). But what caught my eye in this poll is that President Biden's support among women has collapsed to only 44%.


Anonymous said...

President Biden won by 7 million votes and ended a shambolic war.

Sad. For you.

Anonymous said...

Biden benefits from organized and coordinated media support. President Trump was painted as a Russian agent from the moment he was nominated in a coordinated and organized assault by the media.

Had the simple truth about Biden been reported since his nomination, his medical condition, his family shake down racket with his crack addled son as bagman, Biden’s approval would be in the 20’s.

RussInSoCal said...

Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Installed by a fraudulent, gamed election.

A targeted mass mail-in ballot harvesting scheme in conjunction with hacked/tampered voting machines - in four or five states, carrying hundreds of thousands of marked ballots and deposited into the precincts of WI, MI, PA, GA and likely AZ.

All were precincts where ballot counts were stopped for no reason and where Trump was was ahead by large margins.

And if you think that we will believe the same liars who repeatedly pushed the Russian collusion hoax for four years - and who now berate and destroy anyone who disagrees with the new lie - that this was a fair election - you are mistaken.

And if leftists had the courage of their convictions, they wouldn't freak out every time some one says it - And I'll repeat it: Biden is an illegitimate president, installed fraudulently. Nothing can change that.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you have no grip on reality. You're just a run of the mill thief and liar.

Anonymous said...

He's stuck with Biden and it's funny to watch!

Anonymous said...

Freds new name is fredo the pedo the defender of joe biden the little girl sniffer. Sniffer of women fredo the pedo

Anonymous said...

Fox Editor Who Called Arizona Says Audit Is Ploy to Undermine Election

Anonymous said...

Arizona election audit: Trump and his allies barrel ahead with election lies despite review confirming his loss

Anonymous said...

Russ has been pounding sand for almost a year and he shows no signs of tiring.

Stay down in the bunker and pound away, it's all you are good for.

Anonymous said...

Nearly a year after the 2020 election, Donald Trump is revealing new ways he worked to overturn the results. Trump told a crowd in Georgia he asked Governor Brian Kemp for a special election after his defeat to Joe Biden. MSNBC Contributor Melissa Murray, Daily Beast Columnist Wajahat Ali, and Washington Post Congressional Reporter Marianna Sotomayor joined American Voices with Alicia Menendez to discuss the GOP’s push to further the “Big Lie.” Sept. 26, 2021

Anonymous said...

Dare you to challenge these facts on the virus

Red Covid versus Blue states

RussInSoCal said...

...And here's a fresh list of Democrat/Media lies.

Steele Dossier
Russian Collusion
Bret Kavanaugh: "Gang Rapist"
Ukraine Phone Call Gate
Jussie Smollet: Trumper Hate Crime
Covington Kids harassed indian guy Phillips
Covid-19 Came From Wuhan Wet Market
Hunter Biden laptop - Nothing to See Here
74<81 legitimate election 2020
Russian Bounties on US soldiers
Jan 6 "Organized White Supremacist Insurrection"
Fire Extinguisher Killed CP Brian Sicknick
Lafayette Park Cleared for Trump photo op
GOP Defunded Police
Michael Avenatti: "Trump's worst nightmare"
Georgia, Texas Voting Laws are Jim Crow 2.0
Hunter Biden Artwork Sales Not an Influence Scheme
White Supremacists Plotted to Kidnap Gretchen Whitmer
Andrew Cuomo: "America's Governor"
Biden's AFG Surrender Was an "Extraordinary Success"
"The Southern Border is Under Control"
Texas Border Patrol Whips/Straps Haitians



fred said...

this is fred and I c\hallenge you to prove that Trump won and the election was stolen
give me your evidence
give me your data
show me where the electoral college was wrong
show me where 30 court cases were wrong

call me names all you want. that changes nothing
Biden won. simple as that and you can not show otherwise but yu making a silly claim touted by loser Trump

RussInSoCal said...

So Trump was right: the election was rigged. And our next one will be too
Rod Liddle
Sunday September 26 2021, 12.01am BST, The Sunday Times

“So Trump was right.” Thus begins a broadside in the Sunday Times that amounts to a clarion call for the world: America’s president came to power in an election that was “rigged.”

“The American public is slowly waking up to the fact that they are being led by an ineffectually devious, senile halfwit,” Rob Liddle writes. “Donald Trump is back in the lead in the opinion polls. Imagine how awful a president must be if people would rather that sack of meat with mittens were back in charge.”

“Soon the public will wake up to something even more unpleasant and sinister: that the last presidential election was a fraud, rigged by big business, the labour unions and, more than anything, the media and the tech companies,” he continues. “If that election had taken place in any other country, it would have been called ‘unfree’. And, as more and more evidence emerges, it terrifies me that the same thing could happen here.”

“The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” a bombshell Time article released just days before the Senate impeachment trial, appears to have provided some of the best evidence that the election was “fortified” by a shadowy cabal that included giant corporations, big tech giants, and powerful labor unions.

“What we didn’t know until we were told in February this year, courtesy of Time magazine, was that there actually was a conspiracy — a secret coalition of chief executives, labour unions, left-wing pressure groups and media companies — to manage what information was available to the voting public,” Liddle went on. “Its aim, as The Wall Street Journal put it, was to ‘suppress unwanted elements of US political conversation’. What a wonderful phrase.”

“Time magazine reported this as if the cabal — it called the arrangement a cabal — had been acting heroically,” he added. “To save the US public from making the same mistake again and electing that Brobdingnagian boor — and to do so by suppressing stories favourable to him.”

The Times writer also references a disturbing betrayal by Trump’s Joint Chief of Staff at the time that should be sending off alarm bells from sea to shining sea.

“Now we discover that General Mark Milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, was also conspiring against the president,” Liddle writes. “Twice Milley called Chinese diplomats to let them know that he would countermand any order from Trump to attack China — which seems to a lot of US conservatives to be an act of pure treason. Milley also went behind his president’s back to connive with the Democrat leader of the House, Nancy Pelosi.”

“The reasoning for this was that Trump was ‘unhinged’ — a familiar notion peddled by the media for the four years of his presidency,” he continues. “Was he? I don’t know. He didn’t seem terribly hinged to me, but then Americans rarely do. But more unhinged than your average American — or Joe Biden?”