Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Progressive Congressional Democrats Remove $1BN Funding For Israel's Iron Dome From US Spending Bill

The push to remove funding for Israeli defense from the stopgap spending bill reportedly comes from Squad members Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  

Daily Mail: AOC and 'The Squad' force Dems to REMOVE $1BN funding for Israel's Iron Dome from spending bill: Republicans say they have 'capitulated to antisemitic influence of radical members' 

* The stopgap spending bill was supposed to keep the government funded and running through 2022 with a provision to suspend the debt ceiling 

* The progressive lawmakers took issue with funds for Israel's defense 

* Republican lawmakers are already lambasting Democrats for the abrupt call 

* House Democrats are still aiming to get the bill to the floor later today 

House Democrats removed a provision to give Israel $1 billion toward its Iron Dome defense system from the continuing resolution to keep the government open and funded past September 30 after opposition from the Squad. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan are leading the blockade, according to Politico. 

Funding for the Iron Dome will instead be included in Congress' bipartisan fiscal year 2022 defense bill, House Appropriations Chair Rep. Rosa DeLauro said on Tuesday.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Democrats yank $1B for Israeli missile defense from doomed shutdown and debt patch​ (Politico)  

Update #2: Democrats to nix $1B for Israel's Iron Dome from bill to avert shutdown (The Hill)  

WNU Editor: This breaks a promise that President Biden had made to Israel that the U.S. would replace the Iron Dome missiles that were used to intercept Hamas rockets in May .... $1B Iron Dome fund stripped from new continuing resolution (Defense News).


  1. Whhhaaaa?
    Biden breaks promises?
    Omg I'm shocked. Shocked! Lol
    At least I didn't "vote" for that guy or believe the vaccines are just vaccines lol

  2. There are good points to this removal of funding. Israel might have to get more efficient. They might have to dig down deep for cuts and cut funding to men who stay home all day to read the Jewish texts. Reading the texts is a good thing. Using them to shirk work is not. They have their wives work or are on welfare.

    AOC's Gang should be careful what they wish for. They might get a full out war.

    Empty suit Joe being rolled is nothing new.

  3. House Democrats introduced the bill Tuesday with the Iron Dome proposal in it, alongside $6.3 billion in emergency funding to resettle Afghan refugees and other Pentagon-friendly provisions. However, the lron Dome funding had to be cut because it created an internal schism for Democrats, who must unify to overcome Republican opposition to the broader bill, according to a source familiar with the matter.

    The continuing resolution would run through Dec. 3.
    [useful to read a link that is posted]

  4. If you want to hear and see from Australians what's going on in Australia:
    About 30min in ..
    if that tyranny comes here....

  5. The US is politically ineffective. Dems in particular are unreliable liars.

  6. "Dems in particular are unreliable liars."

    Are there reliable liars?

  7. There are liars guaranteed to tell a particular kind of lie reliably in particular circumstances.

  8. Usually I don't agree with the Squad but in this case I am OK with it. Israel has run roughshod over the USA for too long.
