Friday, September 24, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


  1. "The massive, bloated $3.5 billion spending bill has so much pork that fiscal hawks could eat it for weeks. One piece that hasn’t received much attention yet is a special journalism “tax credit” equal to 50% of the salary of each journalist—up to $50,000 per journalist annually.

    Yes, that’s correct, your tax dollars would be paying 50% of the salary of many journalists, whether you like their reporting or not."

    The God Damned Mother Fuckers of the Democrat Party Never CEASE!

  2. "More than 140 Houthi rebels and pro-government troops killed this week as fighting intensifies for Yemen's strategic northern city of Marib" – AFP

    So like true journalists they tell us very little and leave us hanging.

    140 people died. Who is getting hurt more, the Houthis or the Sunnis?

    Whoever is getting hurt more what are their manpower reserves and can they withstand the losses.

    If journalists were intel officers, we would lose every war.

  3. "This month marks seven years since the rebels took control of Sanaa, with some analysts saying the balance has tilted in favour of the insurgents against the coalition."

    - Breitbsart

    Obammy told us that Yemen was a success story.

  4. "How the hell can migrants who are supposedly in custody hijack buses and essentially take the bus drivers into custody?

    How feckless, naïve, and weak have we become?"

    Very! There are those of us you spend all day looking up NSFW. Of course, they are weak.

  5. "The top two Democrats in the U.S. Congress on Thursday said they had reached a deal to pay for President Joe Biden’s sweeping social agenda, as the White House warned federal agencies to begin preparing for the possibility of a government shutdown.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi provided no details on how they would pay for Biden’s proposed $3.5 trillion social spending plan." - al Reuters

    So the Democrats promise us have a plan and they won't release the details.

    Or they will release the detail buried in a 500,000 terabyte pdf.

  6. Biden's support among blacks, Hispanics, and Asians is going down in flames —polls


    The end is night for the Democrat Party.

    Sharpton gets shouted down by Hispanics at Del Rio, Texas border

    Democrats can blab all the want on CNN, MSMBC, CBS, ABC, and NBC and they will just keep digging themselves a hole.



    If you like creepy old men/Biden caress themselves, then you are in loo at minute 16:48.

    Psychologically this makes sense, if you believe a psychologist as to why Nixon was rubbing his wrist with a thumb during a press conference. But WOW, Joe took it to a whole new level.

  8. The Haitian migrant surge, explained | The Week
    seen from all angles, ie left and right
    posting one instance of anything does not make for a generalization of what is taking place and is a simplistic way of shouting out one's bias.
    how many reading this site have grandparents that were not born in this great nation?

  9. So I got around to reading the what 3:15 posted and it does not support their position.

    What it does say is that the Haitians, who have made a living in South America for several years decided that the border was open under a Biden Administration, because he held the usual DNC position.

    "how many reading this site have grandparents that were not born in this great nation?"

    One of my parents and my spouse were not born in this nation. Here is the point. They came here legally not illegally. Also they had documented skills such as a trade or college degree and work experience and were not ever on welfare.

    I like how the bastard (3:13) conflates legal and illegal immigration.
