Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tweets Of The Day


  1. "The top U.S. military officer told Congress that HE KNEW former President Trump wasn't planning to attack China.

    Army Gen. Mark Milley defended two calls he made to his Chinese counterpart. "

    So why the fuck call the Chinese Sec Def?

  2. "Married couple from Michigan who were both fully-vaccinated but had underlying health conditions die of COVID just ONE MINUTE apart while holding hands " - Daily Mail

    Vaxxed and still dead.

    Dead ringers for my 600 # life.

    Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.

  3. vaccinated couple dies. wow! and how many unvaccinated die? and that couple BOTH had underlying conditions.

    please be grown up. An anecdote or single example of this and that does not, can not logically stand for an entire political party, county, city, or state.

  4. 1:59


    I have asked you to grow up time and time gain. Yet, you refuse.

    You have never done a multifactorial analysis. You buds, who are much smarter than you with their IQ of 1, can sometimes use the word intersectional, which they stole from grade school geometry. Let me guess. Your do not crap in the home, because you live in nurse put diapers on you.
