Friday, September 24, 2021

US Congress Wants To Set Up A Permanent Office In The Pentagon To Investigate UFOs

Daily Mail: Congress may set up a permanent office to investigate UFOs to see if they're threats to the US and if they can be captured or exploited 

* The U.S. government is looking into creating a permanent office to study 'unidentified aerial phenomenon' 

* As part of House's National Defense Authorization Act, the office would be under the Secretary of Defense 

* Duties include reporting and analyzing events, establishing a link between UAPs and foreign adversaries and if they present a threat to the US 

* It also proposes the office deliver a report to Congress annually for the next five years and give an update on how to capture or exploit UAP 

* The Senate's version of the bill does not include a permanent office 

* In June, the Pentagon offered no explanation for 140 of the 144 observations dating to 2004 

Three months after the Pentagon released its highly-anticipated, albeit sparse report on the subject of 'unidentified aerial phenomenon' (UAPs), the U.S. government is looking into creating a permanent office to study the subject. 

As part of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act from the House of Representatives, there is a provision to create a permanent office under the Secretary of Defense to investigate reports of unidentified aerial phenomena, according to NextGov, which first reported the news.  

Read more ....  

Update: House NDAA Includes Permanent UFO-Studying Office Within Pentagon (NextGov)  

WNU Editor: A lot of details are still not known on how this office will operate. I guess we will know more when the National Defense Authorization Act i spassed and signed.


  1. This is yet another financial drain down which more money will flow to an already overflowing septic tank. Any martian knows enough by now not to get involved with the crazies on this planet and will not be forthcoming should they somehow come into our clutches.

  2. There's a country on earth who has military capabilities that go far beyond what we (Americans) have. This entire UFO thing should've taught us this. Who are they? Can they mass produce this?

    As to can they mass produce this, I would assume they can. Essentially this means this terrestrial country has military capabilities that far exceed us. Obviously we aren't a "superpower." Of course anyone whose been paying attention for the last 30 years understands how ridiculous that notion is.

    Who is the country behind these UFOS? Identifying this country should be the top priority. Perhaps then we can devise counter measures. These are NOT extra terrestrial. Given the vast distances between planets humanity simply isn't important enough for any space bearing species to visit unless the bar is ridiculously low!! Perhaps our species will get there someday but we're nowhere close at this point. Essentially which country is behind these UFOs?

  3. "investigate"? There are already probably tens of thousands of pages worth of information available if you have the necessary clearances. What is left to "investigate"? Besides, only both of two outcomes are likely: 1) Inconclusive; and 2) the juciest info will remain classified. Why don't they just stick to, you know, THEIR FUCKING JOB by securing our borders and getting or national infrastructure up to date?

    1. Secure our borders and get our infrastructure up to date, now these are things we can do. As I've learned over many years, when focused with numerous challenges, address those you have control of!! Securing our borders and getting our infrastructure up to date are things we can do and they need to be done. So do them!! They clearly need to be done!!

      At this point, the country behind the UFOs we're seeing doesn't seem concerned about our borders or infrastructure. We need to focus on what we can do to better ourselves!!

  4. This is idiotic BS. Every one of the UFO "sightings" - on grainy radar feeds - is a spoof. It is US technology that has the ability to mimic airborne craft which aren't there. But only in view of US Navy ships and jet fighters.

    All the other 4 billion camera phones all over planet earth have never captured any "UFO's".



    1. Hey, don't disrespect the whole Nimitz carrier group

  5. "As to can they mass produce this, I would assume they can. Essentially this means this terrestrial country has military capabilities that far exceed us. "

    Self love is a thing.

  6. If any terrestrial power has this technology it's got to be the USA. Possibly Russia, possibly China. Or these fantastic flying machines are from other dimensions..... Like Luxembourg or Scunthorpe.... Keep ducking 👽👍

    1. My bet would be Russia or China, perhaps both of them. Probably not the US. We have trouble keeping secrets and to nany egos in high places. They'd be telling us all about it.

      Anon (5:16),

      These UFOs have demonstrated technology beyond what we have. Based on the evidence the most likely conclusion is a terrestrial power is behind it. Until definitively proven otherwise prudence suggests we should assume the builder of these craft can mass produce them. Not sure what self love has to do with it.

  7. "My bet would be Russia or China, perhaps both of them. Probably not the US."

    But not the US cuz dey is stoopid mon. The moon shot? Fake! Shot at Universal Studios.

    Aahhh, the life of a troll.

    1. No the US isn't stupid. Very respectfully it helps to read the posts in their entirely before replying. As I pointed out that which should seem obvious to anyone who is paying attention, many in our leadership have inflated egos and they are largely incapable of keeping secrets. As such, if our people were behind this all of the details of how, who, and when would've long since been leaked.

      For what it's worth, the moon landings probably aren't faked. I knew people involved directly in this program. I could stop there, however, for the purpose of this post I won't. There are to many inflated egos combined with the inability to keep secrets. To pull off a hoax of that magnitude is statistically impossible on this situation.

      The moon landings have absolutely nothing to do with this post yet you chose to go off topic and you accuse me of being the troll.
