Saturday, September 25, 2021

U.S. Troops Deployed To Foreign Countries Since 1950

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  1. Graph is proof that liberals are liars. Liberals gratuitously claim that Germany is occupied. The Berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed and with each of those events troop levels went down. When Trump anted to pull more troops or all troops out of Germany, liberals cried real tears.

  2. please show us where they cried tears. That said, Biden ended that change after Trump pulled out some
    12 thousand troops and sent them to other places in Europe.
    Trump never wanted to pull out all of our troops.
    Trump wrongly claimed, as he has many times in the past, that Germany was not paying its “Nato fees”. In fact, the friction between the US and Germany, as well as other European allies, is about national defence spending. The allies agreed in 2014 to spend 2% of their GDP on defence by 2024. Germany is currently on 1.5%, but Belgium, where the US will move some of its European Command (Eucom) headquarters, spends less than 1%, and Italy, to where the US will move an F-16 fighter squadron and two army battalions from Germany, spends 1.2%.

    Diplomats and former US officials have described Trump as fixated on Germany and its chancellor, Angela Merkel.

  3. Fixated on a bag of shit?

    #1 Germany spending less than 2% of GDP on defense
    #2 Nordstream 2

    "reflected the Trump administration’s long frustration with German policy, especially the nation’s level of military spending and its insistence on completing the controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline that will channel Russian gas directly to Germany under the Baltic Sea."

    - WSJ

    Germany spends 1.5% of GDP on defense. Well hallelujah! 1.5/2.0 = .75

    75% gets you a C in school and depending on the school is only 3 points above D. Take with Merkel's other shenanigans she is definitely in D territory and maybe F territory.

    Th3e whole Belgium spends X or Italy spends Y is whataboutism. Which is sometimes fair, but note Germany is the leader of Europe not a postage stamp size or anemic country.

    About the "cried real tears" is sarcasm, which we are told that geriatric cases do not get.

    People like Merkel were more worried about the effects of the missing US payroll than anything else.

    4:18 can you up your game to at least the 2nd grade level?


    Oh and 4:18, there are these little things called quotes ("") that you use when you quote people, articles, books, etc.

    Maybe you learned such things every middle schooler knows as a post doc?
