Saturday, September 25, 2021

Why Are Mid-Level U.S. Officers Revolting Against Their Military Leaders?

(Left to right) Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, Army Lt. Col. Paul Hague, Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, and Navy Cmdr. J.H. Furman. The screenshots show Lohmeier, Hague, and Furman during separate interviews with Fox News hosts and the image of Scheller was pulled from an August Facbook video that ignited controversy.  

Task & Purpose: At least four mid-level officers have publicly revolted against military leaders. What’s going on?  

'You just have to ask yourself: What is going on?'  

There must be something in the water that mid-level military officers are drinking because four of them have publicly thrown down with their chain of command since spring and the acts of open defiance show no signs of slowing down. 

Since May, a Space Force lieutenant colonel has claimed that the military’s diversity and anti-extremism training are rooted in Marxism; a Marine lieutenant colonel became a lightning rod for openly critiquing military leadership over the Afghanistan withdrawal while in uniform; an Army lieutenant colonel has tried to resign just short of retirement because he believes that requiring troops to be vaccinated for COVID-19 is an “unlawful, unethical, immoral, and tyrannical order”; and a Navy commander has gone on Fox News to promote conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Low morale and disagreement on Pentagon policies have been building up for a long time. But the US military defeat in Afghanistan has open the floodgates to open defiance among some officers. I also suspect that many im the US military are in agreement with this defiance, but they are not going to do it publicly while still in uniform.


  1. Shape up or ship out
    When Miley acted about Trump he was not doing what he was supposed to--obey orders. But when junior officers mouth off, that is ok? Not in this man's army

  2. If people thought of Milley like they do The General of General Insurance, Commander McBragg or Mr. Magoo, his poll numbers would go up.

  3. So dipstick thinks these officers are clowns. !/2 or less people make it from 01 to 05. This after making it through 4 years of college and the initial selection and training.

    The clown clearly is 2:04.

  4. FBI Investigating Assault on Female U.S. Soldier by Group of Afghan Refugees at Fort Bliss

    Why stay in the American Military, when Austin, Milley, Klain, Obama and Pelosi turn military bases into adult day care of foreigners?

  5. those foreigners are some of the folks that helped us in the war in Afghanistan. And yes, one guy did a bad thing. Now how many American service people also assault fellow female service people
    Were your grandparents "foreigners"? Should they have been kept out of this nation?

    1. Boy you sure have linear logic, lololololololo!

  6. ASSERTION: those foreigners are some of the folks that helped us in the war in Afghanistan."

    REBUTTAL: 16% of Afghan evacuees are US citizens or SIV holder

    some Definition

    1. Being an unspecified number or quantity.
    2. Being a portion or an unspecified number or quantity of a whole or group.
    3. Being a considerable number or quantity.

    Notice how 4:11 lies with words.

    ASSERTION: "And yes, one guy did a bad thing. Now how many American service people also assault fellow female service people"

    REBUTTAL: One guy? At Fort McCoy there were 2 cases. Some guy there brought bacha bazi to the US. Another assaulted his wife (?).

    The only saving grace that 4L!1 has is the the DOJ, FBI, US Army and the Biden Regime will not keep statistics. So it falls to honest journalists to do so.

    ASSERTION: "Now how many American service people also assault fellow female service people"

    REBUTTAL: Crime rates or relative crime rates matter.

    ASSERTION: "Were your grandparents "foreigners"? Should they have been kept out of this nation?"

    REBUTTAL: My relative came in through the front door with proper documentation.

    5 out 6 people brought in by Joe Biden were the wrong people. That is an 83.3% failure rate.

    Biden left hundreds or thousands of SVIs, translators and citizens behind. Sot the failure rate is much closer to 99%.

    4:11 should have a real degree and not one from a diploma mill.

  7. Tucker is an asshole
    the military gets many many required vaccines. What these guys do not want? ok. Leave. simple as that.
    You take the shots because the military is now required to take this one along with other ones.
    Those guys are simply not going to dismiss the order to take and remain on active duty.
    A handful of military going on Fox news hardly speaks for our entire military. Thank the good lord

    1. You don't remember what you said before do you?


  8. "Some Democrats in Congress are trying to abolish the Space Force at a time when China and Russia have been doubling down on expanding their military capabilities in space."

    Of course Democrats are. They are known as the Dims for a reason.


  9. Asshole says: "Tucker is an asshole"

    The linked article is at the "Task & Purpose" site by JEFF SCHOGOL. Is Jeff an asshole in your esteemed estimation?

    There are multiple reasons for calling out the military establishment. Getting a shot which is not approved by the FDA is just one of them. Pushing Critical Race theory is one of those beside unapproved vaccines.
