Monday, September 20, 2021

Will This Week's UN General Assembly Meeting Turn Into A COVID Superspreader Event?

Photo: U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Friday she is worried the General Assembly gathering could turn into a COVID superspreader event  

Daily Mail: Biden administration worried UN General Assembly meeting could turn into COVID superspreader event 

* U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said Friday she is worried the General Assembly gathering could turn into a COVID superspreader event 

* 'We are concerned about the U.N. event being a superspreader event,' Thomas-Greenfield said during a press conference 

* President Joe Biden will speak at United Nations General Assembly meeting on Monday at the gathering hall in New York City 

* There are already concerns over world leaders not following NYC vaccination protocols, which requires people to be vaccinated for all indoor activities 

The White House is concerned that the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in New York, which kicked off last week, could be a COVID-19 superspreader event. 

'We are concerned about the U.N. event being a superspreader event, and that we need to take all measures to ensure that it does not become a superspreader event,' President Joe Biden's Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield said during a press conference Friday.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: A hundred world leaders with their delegations (and some of these delegations are large) are going to be in New York city this week .... and many of them are probably not vaccinated. So yes, there is a very real possibility that this may become a superspreader event. 

On a personal note. 

Regular readers of this blog know that in past UN General Assemblies I have worked as a translator. The money is excellent, and it is fun to be in New York City for a few weeks. 

I was asked this summer if I wanted to work this month. 

I said no, because I know safety protocols are not going to be respected.


  1. If the vaccines work, and they are all double and triple jabbed, what is the worry?

    If one of these cult members ever talks you into taking untested drugs, you politely say no, and let them take it. Stay the fck away from these psychopaths and watch what happens to their health after taking more and more of these shots.

    They are literally in a death cult, and they demand you to join. They're so freaking scary and do not know what they do or ask of you. And they get so upset when you challenge them.. you know what they want? Obedience. They are tyrants, all of them.

    Asking a healthy person to take a vaccine, and to coerce them.. we have laws for this and once the population is out of their trance and realizes what you did to them, you better have real killer viruses ready for all of us, because you will not survive what's coming, politically speaking. You cannot fake all the elections. At one point people get it.

  2. Will this be a "super spreader" event? That depends. Is it sanctioned by the leadership class? If it's a sanctioned event, then it's not a super spreader event. If it's not sanctioned by them, it's a super spreader event. A meeting of this type is probably a sanctioned event. Therefore it's not a super spreader.

    Examples of non sanctioned events, Trump rallies, family get togethers, groups of friends getting together at restaurants, and I could go on. Essentially anything normal people do that involves groups is frowned upon.

    Non super spreader events are as follows, large groups rioting and looting in American cities, George Floyd protests, large groups of elites/members of the leadership class getting together for parties, hordes of unvetted people coming across the Southern border, hordes of unvetted Afghans coming in, and I could go on. Essentially these are approved of and sanctioned by the leadership class. Therefore they're not super spreader events!!

    Now, in all seriousness, anytime someone in a group is infected with or carrying a pathogen there is a risk of spreading it to other members. COVID-19 seems to not only spread quite easily but can be deadly to some as well. People need to make informed decisions and act according based upon their unique situations. In this case, WNU Warnews Updates Editor has made an informed decision based upon his situation not to work this event.

    Humanity has much experience dealing with and surviving pandemics. We will get through this one. In contrast, the government response to this seems unprecedented on such a large scale. While the species will survive, our government's response has made a bad situation much worse.

  3. You must be over-paid to turn work down.

  4. "Welcome to NYC! Unvaccinated Brazil President Bolsonaro is refused indoor dining and forced to eat pizza on sidewalk ahead of UN General Assembly"

    So Bolsanaro has more or better antibodies than a vaccinated person. He is less likely to pass on COVID than a vaccinated person and yet he is denied entry due to the scientism pushed by money grubber Fauci and the Dims.

    1. An unvaccinated Afghan "refugee" will be allowed free reign of the city. The leadership class sanctioned them. Bolzano is not sanctioned by either our or the Brazilian leadership class.

      Serious Studies do indicate that those who have had the disease are less likely to be carriers than those who haven't and the best immunity is antibodies from an infection. The problem: YOU DO NOT WANT THIS DISEASE!! It can be absolutely brutal!! This pandemic is bad enough. "Money grubbers" like Fauci and others who seek to manipulate this for their own gain are NOT helping matters!!

  5. "I'm excited to attend the upcoming UN General Assembly Meeting! The event booking process was easy and I'm looking forward to insightful discussions."
