Wednesday, September 29, 2021

YouTube To Ban All Anti-Vaccine Content On Their Platform

Washington Post: YouTube is banning prominent anti-vaccine activists and blocking all anti-vaccine content  

SAN FRANCISCO — YouTube is taking down several video channels associated with high-profile anti-vaccine activists including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who experts say are partially responsible for helping seed the skepticism that’s contributed to slowing vaccination rates across the country. 

As part of a new set of policies aimed at cutting down on anti-vaccine content on the Google-owned site, YouTube will ban any videos that claim that commonly used vaccines approved by health authorities are ineffective or dangerous. 

The company previously blocked videos that made those claims about coronavirus vaccines, but not ones for other vaccines like those for measles or chickenpox. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: YouTube blocks all anti-vaccine content (Reuters)  

Update #2: Fighting wave of misinfo, YouTube bans false vaccine claims (AP)  

WNU Editor: While banning free speech on the issue of vaccines on their platform, YouTube wants free speech in Russia after banning RT's channels in Germany .... YouTube CEO Says Google Sees Free Speech as Core Value in Russia (Bloomberg). More here .... Russia threatens to block YouTube after it deleted RT’s German channels (


  1. Free speech in Russia is not the same "free speech" for fraud messages that kill lives in the US
    Want your notion of free speech? open your own platform. Did you get the vaccine? why or why not?
    Want others in your community to get it? or not?

  2. Variables, Effects, Interaction and Experimental Error

    12:39 does not know what an interaction is, but she can say "intersection" with the wokest of her posse.

    Drool to rule.

    12:39 has no idea the size or complexity of her biome.

    Drool to rule.

    12:39 has no ideas what a virus is.

    Drool to rule.

  3. The need to take such Draconian actions indicates to me that there must be much truth in the anti-vaccine message hence the desperate and panicked efforts that are being taken to suppress it. If not taking the vaccine is so bad, it should be relatively easy to refute via the back and forth method of free speech and debate. The pro vaccine message reminds of the Shakespeare line "thou doest protest much."

    Anther option instead of opting for Draconian silencing of free speech would be for be for the pro-vaccine group to simply shout them down so the anti-vaccine crowd simply can't be heard. The problem with this approach is people will often strain to hear a whisper while not paying attention to a shout. With that said if the vaccine really is flawed that probably would be the better approach. By using the hammer of stifling free speech the pro vaccine powers simply draw even more attention to the anti vaccine message. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others can approach it how they wish. People will find ways around them. Essentially by doing this even more attention is brought to the message they are attempting to suppress.

    IMHO, the people actively encouraging people not to get vaccinated are heroes. Obviously the powers that be are terrified of them and feel they have no other option except the current panicked measures they are taking. As for those of us myself included who took the vaccine, we should hope and pray this mistake doesn't cause us harm.

  4. Kreuger stop your bullshit.

    You are the most ignorant an unaccomplished person at this site bar none.

    If this were smallpox you would count the number of people, who had contracted the pox and lived and those that had been vaccinated to determine herd immunity. The Democrats and other evil or ignorant liberals do not count the 'survivors' of COVD. That right there tells you this is political and about exercising political will and not about public safety.

    Fauci said gave the goal post of herd immunity at 70%. We are there. So, there is no need to go Uncle Adolf on people.

    Prove this wrong: Herd immunity = Natural immunity + Vaccinated immunity.

    Lots of Republicans say get the vaccine, but they also say it is a personal choice.

    Governor DeSantis said so and Biden's trainers cut the supply of monoclonal antibodies in half as punishment. So, DeSantis found another supply. Liberals will try to cut this supply as well, because liberals are PURE EVIL.

    A shyster liberal will retort disingenuously that the supply is equitable because it is by population. But is it really? It should be by population in the age brackets above 65. in which case the affected age brackets.

    SCOUTS ruled states could mandate smallpox vaccines. Smallpox has 30% death rate.

    COVID has a 1.6% death rate and that is an overcount.

  5. Where does Kreuger draw the line?








  6. the data shown above deals with places with good, fairly decent, and good hospitals, and so naturally US ranks better than some nations. However:

    The COVID-19 pandemic is now, more than ever, a story about the unvaccinated. They’re the most vulnerable — in states reporting breakthrough infections, over 90 percent of cases, hospitalizations and deaths have occurred among people who are unvaccinated or not yet fully vaccinated, according to a study from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF). And this significant pool of Americans may open the door for even more dangerous mutations than the delta variant — nearly twice as contagious than previous strains — that could challenge the effectiveness of existing vaccines.

  7. If you dont watch/listen to youtube,it does not exist.

    Just like cnn.


    Another copy and paste by a person with no ability to critically think.

    I hope when you go to the hospital for rhino, influenza, corona, adeno or any other virus they give you Remdesivir.

    You never answered the question as to








    I did not expect you to answer a direct, succinct question. I did expect you to wax poetic with BS or cut and paste.

  9. You can lie with a death certificate.

    in March of 2020 the CDC changed its advisory on death certificates. It required that the certificated for any Covid-associated death have Covid on Part I line d.

    Part I line d records the ultimate cause of death.

    In past years, the death certificate of any influenza-associated death had the influenza in Part II.

    Part I line d typically held the most serious comorbidity as cause of death.

    For example, if someone with congestive heart failure caught the flu, suffered pulmonary edema, caught pneumonia and died, Part I line d would say congestive hearth failure, line b would say pulmonary edema, and line a would say pneumonia as proximal cause of death.

    Influenza would appear in Part II as an associated complication.

    Today Covid is on Part I line d, and congestive heart failure would be demoted to line c.

    By that administrative stroke, the CDC has vastly inflated the Covid death-rate.

    Under Comorbidities and other conditions, CDC notes that 94+% of Covid deaths included an average of four (4) comorbidities. Alternatively 5+% of deaths were from Covid alone.
    So, of the official ~700,000 Covid deaths only ~40,000 of them died from Covid itself. That’s the death-rate of a moderate flu year.


  11. Anon (2:44),

    You know I'm not Russian. At least you should. I've made it very easy to contact me many times on this website to test your claim. To date you have chosen not to do so. Maybe you make all your decisions by ideology or perhaps you simply don't read fully read the posts and think carefully before commenting.

    For what its worth, I got the vaccine. You told me to "get it." From the context, I think you meant get the vaccine. If you had taken the time to read the posts, you would already know that I took the vaccine. Perhaps I did not emphasize it enough. This is why it helps sometimes to repeat things because we can't all be present on this website all the time. Perhaps this is why you missed it.

    Putin isn't my "boss." As I do not have any connection to Russia which you would know had you bothered to investigate properly, I have no idea as to whether or not he took his country's vaccine or not. Perhaps Russia's vaccine operates differently or perhaps they are trying to pull the same trickery that the US leadership class is attempting to pull. I have no idea. Has he been vaccinated or is it a stunt?

    For a virus that has a nominal death rate and both infection rates and death rates are overstated, it seems rather reckless to force a vaccine on people that hasn't been property tested and has been shown to have some very nasty side effects in many cases. The best approach would probably be to make it available to those who want or need it based upon their risk factors but do not force it on people and do not demonize the people who are carefully studying the risk vs benefits of this vaccine and are choosing not to take it. If someone is wrong, it is best to refute them with facts. Censorship just makes things worse and suggests the leadership class has something to hide.

  12. Yo! don't take the vaccine. Die. who cares

    1. The true Lapides shows his face!

  13. Imposter said he took the vaccine, but Kreuger was having none of it. He was his usual self, a vituperative ignoramus.

  14. Modern day book burning. You also see no reporting on the shortages we are experiencing here in the US, From electronics to bread. Like a dune line they are projecting reality on the screen. If you dont have diverse news sources, and pay attention you will be deceived.
