Friday, October 29, 2021

If Climate Change Is An Existential Threat, Why Is The Pentagon Skipping The COP26 Climate Summit At Glasgow?

President Joe Biden speaks to members of his Cabinet in July. The president is sending several senior administration officials, including eight Cabinet members, to COP26 in November.

Defense One: Pentagon to Skip Global Climate Conference, Despite 'Existential Threat' 

Former defense officials called it a “missed opportunity.” 

Defense Department officials will not attend the global climate conference in Scotland that begins Sunday, despite the recent Pentagon report calling climate change an “existential threat” to national security. 

By not attending the conference as part of the presidential delegation, former defense officials said, the Pentagon is giving up the chance to make a statement on the world stage that climate change is important to the American national security enterprise. 

“Given in the last nine or 10 months, the level of public effort that the Defense Department has try to get out in front of this issue, I think it’s a missed opportunity,” said David Titley, a retired rear admiral who served as the oceanographer and navigator of the Navy.

“I’m sure they have their reasons, and they may be great reasons, but my initial reaction is that’s unfortunate. It’s too bad.”  

Read more ....  

WNU editor: The Pentagon may not be going to Glasgow, but almost everyone else in the US government is .... Exclusive: Biden sending 13 cabinet members, high-level officials to UN climate summit in show of force (CNN).


Anonymous said...

Pentagon is busy dying from the vaccines

Anonymous said...

Not just the Pentagon.. and I bet Joseph Biden was not given the same deadly drugs you all took

Here is a fair punishment.. when Biden was trialled, make him take all the booster shots he talked you into taking

Then watch how he'll do

Anonymous said...

Climate change is a hoax pushed on us to have a system, called the carbon credit system, which is modern slavery

Everything on this planet, all life forms, all animals, all plants are dependent on carbon, and participate in the carbon cycle

By controlling carbon they can control you

They'll control if you get meat and how much; and it'll depend on if you clapped loud enough in response to whatever the party said

They'll control if and how much electricity you get, if your electric car turns on and if you get to travel

Think communism in the soviet union was bad?
They're creating hell on earth under the climate change umbrella

And they indoctrinate the weak minded

And they indoctrinate children now to become aggressive to "climate change skeptics"

Just like you're not allowed to be a vaccine skeptic, while people die from it

The Democrats at the top are demonically possessed. I'm sure of it. Pelosi and Biden and Miley and Schiff and Fauci, whose last name literally means "maker of sickles"

Sickles are the tools used by the grim reaper to cut your head off

He's figuratively thereby the maker of tools to bring death and lied to Congress about civilisation ending gain of function research and tortured animals

But whatever

You go vote for Democrats again, see how many people will be alive by 2030

Anonymous said...

Lori lightfoot, Democrat ghoul of Chicago, now BOOED in her own city

Event after event, Democrats are boo'ed at their own events

If we were to rise up today and do citizens arrests, we could easily remove them either a fight. No one is standing with those Nuremberg code violating monsters

Those who do still support them, will be trialled along with them for crimes against humanity

A crime against humanity is a special category of crime. The penalty is death.

It's not a parking ticket. It's not a felony to coerce people into taking drugs. It's the highest crime, up there with high treason.

Anonymous said...

People who will be trialled first and foremost

Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Fauci, and all heads of NIH, CDC, FDA

They bear the most responsibility, together with heads of media who knew the vaccines don't work and are harming people

Anonymous said...

And the lead scientists and heads of Pfizer, moderna, j&j of course, they're walking dead and you'll likely see them leave the US soon, in all likelihood escaping to China

If I was at the FBI, I'd take their passports

Anonymous said...

And hundreds of members of Congress echo are now confirmed to have taken ivermectin to protect themselves against covid while the population is told to just die, will have to answer for a lot too

It's not a crime to take ivermectin

But, it is a crime against humanity to forbid an entire population to take it, lie about it and coerce you to take experimental drugs

We hung the Nazis for less and we will hang those involved in this crime against humanity.

There will be varying degrees of guilt, of course, and you can bet your ass that they'll start making deals soon

No one wants to be the last to be stuck on a sinking ship and boy you just hit a bunch of icebergs in a row and life boats are short in supply

Anonymous said...

The Nuremberg trials

One of the most frequently accessed page on the internet this month

Anonymous said...

CNN doubled down after their "doctor" Gupta went on Joe Rogan and admitted they misled the public on ivermectin

When gupta returned to the demonic CNN headquarters, they doubled down on their lie

They had the chance to save themselves.
To the fire pit of hell with these monsters

But do NOT physically attack them.
We will do it legally.

"By the book", as Obama said.
Maybe he'll get to read a few pages of the book of law too, when the trials start

Anonymous said...

They'll do a massive false flag attacking a vaccination hospital or vaccine producer soon, then blame it on the unvaccinated

It's so obvious
They were caught red handed and will now try to keep the upper hand

Anonymous said...

Hope they'll death row Brian Stelter
And I hope they do it with those gases they sometimes use. I'm sure he will twitch like that demon in the movie "Fallen"

He's probably not human either. No human would purposefully withhold live saving information from his own

Anonymous said...

Biden admin barred from firing unvaccinated employees after DC judge issues injunctionThe attorney for the plaintiffs said the Biden administration has shown 'an unprecedented, cavalier attitude toward the rule of law'

Anonymous said...

They need a false flag that's big enough and scary enough to whip everyone into panic

I liked the idea that they use a plane, because we are all conditioned since 9/11 to fear flying and airplanes etc

And they'll definitely pin it on Christians because they've been at it for years demonising Christians in a Christian nation

Think of it
The demonic nature of it

And they do this because they need to get rid of the constitution, a document that upholds human rights(and it was written by Christians and talks about God given rights)

In 2030 they want none of this
Build back better is code for "enslave them right this time"

Anonymous said...

Trump Jan. 6: Republican leadership is covering up the coup attempt.

Anonymous said...

Exclusive: Biden sending 13 cabinet members, high-level officials to UN climate summit in show of FARCE (Clinton News Network).

Anonymous said...

Never Forget — The Origin of the Plot to “Slaughter” Donald Trump with Russia

From leaked emails. One of the conspirators is Budowski.

A picture of a guy, who thinks a a worthless diploma makes him smart

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden arrives at the Vatican for closed-door meeting with Pope Francis after live broadcast of their meeting was abruptly CANCELED...

Red Francis won't meet with commie Biden.


The Vatican knows this.

Economy is a mess. Biden will not make it another year, DEMON Party will replace him with Kamula.

Long hard winter.

Anonymous said...

I see the typo. Typed in instead of on, but it works.

Remember the Poe story, "The Cask of Amontillado" ?

Biden will be sent off to some walled compound art his walled beachfront estate, or insane asylum to drool his life away, which will happen after they withdraw his drugs.

Paparazzi will till be able to snap a foto or two of gibbering Joe until they are told nay threatened to stop. The Democrats have it out for Joe just like they do for Cuomo. Notice how having driven Cuomo from power they are ruining his electoral chances forever by smearing him with a misdemeanor. When has a misdemeanor prevented a politician from running for office> It will in Cuomo's case. So the Bidens have been given a heads up.

Anonymous said...


"... compound like his ..."

Anonymous said...

Old folk saying:
1.. BIDEN, you are so fond of saying is sleepy, demented, slow: yet here he is after a busy week sweeping off to Europe.
2. the military should not be at a gathering of political figures for climate change. This is not show and tell about military.

Anonymous said...

1) Biden spending 3 hours or less at meetings with breaks is a busy day for an Alzheimers patient.

Normal people will be spending 8 to 10 hours at the meetings with breaks.

2) The military burns a lot of fossil fuel. If Climate Change is an existential crisis (It is not until the Democrats make all the wrong moves.), then the Pentagon should be there along with the other agencies.


MAY 21, 2019

3) As always Fred Lapides, I find you entertaining (In a it is so stupid that it is funny.), stupid and ignorant. Have you sued your alma mater to get your money back?

Anonymous said...

copy and paste?
that the military is this or that does not mean they ought to be present at the conference. What other nations attending will bring their military leaders? Coal is a big polluter. Will reps from that industry be present? As usual, you pillage my oral history and get nasty. This you learned from your mother.

Anonymous said...

Back to your "is this or that " Fredism

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is the Fredism "this or that" some sort of logical argument, which philosophers never heard of before?

Anonymous said...

13 cabinet officials is a distraction.

!3 cabinet officials are to create a stir, a lot of commotion to hide the fact that Joe is only making cameo appearances.

The Pentagon would have walked the dog except they are shitting their britches over the Chinese hypersonic glide nuke. They have been bitched slapped back to reality except for Milley. He is still studying white rage and getting fitted for 3 piece suits for when he gets rewarded with Austin's job for being a suck up.

Anonymous said...

Because "climate change" is a cover for political change. Nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the nuthouse!
abandon all hope ye who read the shit here

Anonymous said...

The Head Nut and the person, who made it so, opines "Math is hard!".

Anonymous said...

ah, a tax preparer for H and R Block is back to tell us that he knows all because he does taxes for those not making very much so he is an expert on all things.

Anonymous said...

Troll/Fred Lapides/1:05,

If you were with it, you would know that the USG offers free tax software below a certain earning threshold. People above the threshold use commercial tax prep software, H & R block, do it themselves or use accountants.

For a guy for whom math is hard and who does not know what another person does at tax time, you sure have a big mouth.

Sure you use an accountant. It might mean you are lazy, stupid or just want to use the easy button.

Anonymous said...

did mommy approve of your attempt to downgrade someone? of course:I know the crap about taxes. I use a CPA... In the meantime with a spot of math, you feel so much superior to others. Not so. You show what a miserable dislikable runt you are.
You spend your time here with nothing of use to say but simply to try to assert how smart you are by spitting out hate and shit that you learned in a messed up environment, that is you miserable upbringing.

Anonymous said...

Takes after you Fred.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't claimed he's one of our betters as you did!

Anonymous said...

As long as they don't read you they'll be ok.

Anonymous said...

Da spouse with the 3 whorls is not talking to 6:37 again, so 6:37 is here spilling their gut.