Tuesday, November 30, 2021

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Says Russian Sanctions Over 'Troop Build-up Near Ukraine' Would Be Appropriate


Sputnik: US Treasury Secretary: Anti-Russia Sanctions Over 'Troop Build-up Near Ukraine' Would Be Appropriate 

Speculation over alleged Russian plans to "invade" neighbouring Ukraine has been circulating in the western media in recent weeks. 

Moscow has strongly rejected the allegations as "absurd". US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Tuesday that it would be "appropriate" to impose economic sanctions on Russia over its alleged military build-up on the border with Ukraine. 

"Agreed, that’s appropriate," Yellen said in her testimony, when asked by a lawmaker whether it would be right to bring "significant, biting financial pressure" on the Kremlin to deter the Russian alleged troop buildup.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Is she speaking for herself or for the administration? If she is speaking for the administration .... that sanctions will be imposed on Russia over how they deploy their military forces within their own country .... this will only escalate the already bad relations between Moscow and Washington.  

Update: Putin is speaking Janet Yellen's language .... US policy undermines dollar’s position as reserve currency — Putin (TASS).


  1. When Yellen was nominated to be Fed chairwoman, I thought maybe she is not the absolute best qualified, but she should be a pretty smart cookie and is qualified. The more she has talked in the last year the less I like her.

    Former Fed chairman Greenspan looked bad, when he attended a baseball game with Bill Clinton.

    I no longer believe that the Fed people are the smartest people in the room or competent. I will grant they were probably the smartest people in the room in college in their subject area. The more office politics they get involved in, the more it influences their thinking and the more they stray form their lane, I believe they are just about no better than the politicians they run with.

    That's right. Run with. They are suppose to be independent.

    Of course Yellen in the past year has not part of the Fed, but the stupid statements she has made over the last year has made me wonder, if she should ever been head of the Fed.

    During the Trump presidency the Democrats piled on with sanctions. I do believe sanctions work and there are qualifiers. Certain conditions must be met or created for sanctions to work. Congress dribbled them out like stupid Civil War generals feeding reinforcements in penny packets. So we had our Russia sanction and the Ag sector lost pork exports to Russia, Russia replaced the missing pork, grew their pork industry and now export to China cutting into American exports to China.

    So the question is will Congress and Yellen be that stupid again?

  2. US/Western comments on foreign policy are as detached from reality as those on the covid pandemic

  3. I'm sure congress' handiwork is also involved with prior sanctions, sanctions, sanctions.
    Who hasn't had them and adjusted already?
    I consider the idea of sanctions as an effective economic tool and I'd say there is a mixed track record. Meanwhile would I trade my foreign currency for dollars.....ehhhh. Depends on the currency.

  4. There is no Biden "administration." It's an Obama administration. As for Yellen, she speaks for the internationalists/globalists.

  5. Sanction can work, if they are sudden and massive and prolonged. By prolonged I mean not 6 months, 1 year or 18 months.

  6. So why is Janet Yellen offering her opinion regarding sanctions against Russia? She is a for FED officer, and a banking expert, not a foreign policy expert. This offered opinion regarding geo-political matters make me have far less confidence in her. Retire her ass!
