Friday, December 31, 2021

Can You Spot What's Wrong With This Picture Of President Biden?

WNU Editor: The GF spotted it before I did. And yeah .... this is a staged photo-op. 

The answer is here .... Can You Spot What's Wrong With This Picture of Joe Biden? (PJ Media).


  1. Look at where the phone connects to the cord. It's blurred out like someone touched up his wrist. Weird.

    1. Hiding his DNR bracelet? OK that's not funny but he should be sitting at home enjoying time with his grandkids and relaxing...not sitting as President.

  2. Maybe he has cut marks? Due to time pressure or amateur work, the meant to get the wrist marks but got the cord too?

    Just a hypothesis. If I were the FSB or Chinese intel, I would do whatever they do the photos.

    M16, the Germans and the French should as well or be caught flat footed.

    He wanted to run one theory goes to keep Hunter out of trouble (& maybe himself too). Maybe he goes back and forth.. Maybe some days he just wants to retire to his 2 houses, but they won't let him.

    Part of they could be Nurse Ratchet Biden. She has the title of First Lay [sic; but the misspelling is appropriate] safely under her belt. It can always read out load at her eulogy so everyone can know she was important. Is it enough? Maybe she wants the full ride, all 4 years?

    Maybe Joe has been told he can't stem down, because the replacement front person is a disaster?
