Sunday, February 27, 2022

Russian Military Forces Have Surrounded The Strategic Ukrainian Port Of Mariupol

Warzone/The Drive: Strategic Ukrainian Port Of Mariupol Now Surrounded By Russian Forces  

Meanwhile, Putin says Russian nuclear forces will be on a “special regime of duty” in response to NATOs reaction over Ukraine invasion. 

 Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered "strategic deterrent forces," that is to say elements of his country's nuclear deterrent arsenal, on a heightened state of alertness in response to how NATO has reacted to his war on Ukraine. 

This comes amid continued signs that Russian military advances have slowed and as significant portions of the international community take increasing steps to isolate Russia politically and economically. 

What follows is our latest updates on this conflict, which we will continue to add to until otherwise stated as part of ongoing rolling coverage.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: ‘Not going to leave’: Ukrainians in Mariupol await Russian attack (Al Jazeera)  

Update #2: Russian forces are about 31 miles outside southeastern Ukrainian city of Mariupol, US defense official says (CNN)  

WNU Editor: When Mariupol falls the Russian military will have their "land bridge" from the Donbas to Crimea.


  1. Unkrain looking for a marked vehicle with a V. Something to do with terrorist and Putin firing one of his Gernerals. "Unconfirmed"

  2. I'm guessing the rump will be occupied this coming week, which I'm sure Putin wants to annex or turn into vassal states...everything west of the Dneiper will stay Ukraine and be allowed to join NATO.

  3. Russia will die on the vine. Victorious, anemic and sickly.


    No, BP dumped its 20% stake in Rosneft. We are in a new cold war kiddies.

  4. A friend once called Putin a bigot. Not in so many words and not in the manner Democrats like to throw around the word.

    What they meant is that Putin's way of thinking is constrained by his upbringing, education, and experiences. It is truism but one we often forget. Putin thinks like someone who grew up during the Cold War. He thinks like a KGB officer. I've read where he acted according to his training as a lawyer, which is more than I can say for many people in the Beltway.

    My fear is Putin will act like a COLDWAR Soviet officer and like a psychopathic oligarch gangster like Hitler. The only two ways of dealing with him is to surrender or supply Ukraine with guns and ammo and tell Putin that MAD is still in effect. That latter part is better done by a person like Trump than a geezer like Biden.

  5. Meanwhile "Baghdad Bob's" in the west tell us how great Ukraine is doing in thwarting Russian aggression. Once reality sets in, the current support for Ukraine quickly melts away as nations frantically move to protect vital trade with Russia while begging forgiveness. As for America, we will be left to bear the full brunt of the Russian reprisal alone without any allies. As for NATO, forget about it!!
