Monday, February 28, 2022

Ukraine Russia War: A Live Analysis From Task & Purpose


WNU Editor: A good and unbiased review and analysis on the Russia-Ukraine war, and what to expect next. 

On a side note.

In this war the metric that I am focused on is control of territory'. After five days of war the Russian zone of control is increasing, albeit slowly and begrudgingly.

It is also important that I stay flexible and not rigid in my thinking, especially in this conflict.

Media reports from both sides are being presented to focus on their own narrative at that moment in time, truthful or not. And here is an easy prediction. This will only intensify as the war progresses.

I should know. This blog has been covering wars and conflicts for 15 years, and I have lost count on how many times I have been wrong relying on the news sources that were available. This current war is no different. The key is to present both sides even if both sides hate what you are doing, and to continue on because the news cycle is changing by the hour. 

I should also admit that covering this war is personally very difficult for me. It is very draining, and there are times where I just want to walk away and take a break from it. 

This war has split my family. I think there are ruptures that will never be repaired. And the madness is getting worse.

In my case I am getting flak from both sides. But I have a very thick skin, and I am blunt. I have always been the odd person in my family, and they all know very clearly that I am currently mad at all of them, and I hate (really hate) the madness that is consuming them and both nations right now.


  1. Corporal Putin has a lot in common with the Bavarian Corporal or for Joe Biden for that matter. All 3 were placed into their positions of power. They did not earn it. Sure Putin earned his rank in the KGB through merit. But how do you go from a mid-level KGB agent to President in 10 short years? Industrialists greased it for Putin like they did for Adolf.
    Putin is much more like Hitler than Putin or anyone would care to admit.

  2. Good analysis and comments WNU. Reminds me more of old times. I can only imagine what the family and personal crisis and emotions must be like. My apologies for any negative sounding remarks. There is certainly blame to go around on this matter. I've felt better relations with the former USSR would have at the least made strategic sense since shortly after the break up. All the best going forward. A reader since 2010.

  3. Dear WNU,
    As a longtime western reader originally from Kiev I've always appreciated your takes and unbiased coverage of issues, especially on the CIS sphere.
    My thoughts are with you and your family, this is a dark moment for the whole east slavic diaspora. One can only hope the madness of this brother war ends as quickly as possible to avoid yet more bloodshed.
    All the best and thank you for your efforts.

  4. Seem to remember you were predicting a Russian walkover in Kharkiv. People there will greet the Russians, you said.

    Now Kharkiv is heroically and successfully repelling Russian attacks from the morning of Day 1.

  5. @ 6:04 AM

    Absolutely. I have a friend sending me videos literally from their apartment block, of their district in Kharkiv getting bombed.

    I can see why there might be a split in his family, and why both sides of his family is angry.

    "In my case I am getting flak from both sides. But I have a very thick skin, and I am blunt." Blunt, and at times, I'd imagine not very tactful. It doesn't paint you in a warm light sitting far away in Canada and saying that Russian-Ukrainian speaking citizens are welcoming the invaders and that you suspect as such in Kharkiv and elsewhere.

    I thought with all the information out there WNU, with all the sources that's available, you could at least come to an educated conclusion that's based on reality and not your old bias that Russian-Ukrainians are welcoming Putin's war machine. The fact that you have stood on this hill and seemingly remain on it, just goes to show that you, Putin and most of the Russian armed forces expected a quick victory based on the principle of least-resistance.

    It doesn't take a genius as to why your extended family is angry with you; their country is being invaded, and some russian-canadian half-way across the world is saying that Ukrainians will welcome their invaders as liberators based on language and cultural ties.

    You, Putin and the rest of his war machine really did believe that and have been deluded. You completely bypassed how Ukrainians feel about their country and the sense of freedom they have.

    Sooner you get off that hill and accept that the vast majority of Ukrainians do not want Russia in its country, the better you'll be for it.

  6. WNU so where is your opinion piece editorial on Putin the War Criminal? Women buying food shredded in Kharkiv, legs torn off. Images too graphic they will haunt people for life. Vacuum bomb being dropped on the Sumy oil refinery. The use of cluster munitions as Ukraine is being turned into Grozny. Dumb bombs, not precision weapons being dropped on civilian buildings. The unrelenting subversive techniques of Russian media groups and the Russian state machine that bans the real news and empowers the arrest and prosecution of Russians who protest against the war. A duck is a duck and Putin is a war criminal and wall that happens when we stay silent is empower Fuhrer Putin to get away with genocide in the name of Russian Security.

  7. Hang in there editor, we are all here due to the thoughtfulness you put into the blog. I carry a deep appreciation for your opinion, especially when it differs with my line of thinking, new perspectives to be gained always. I hope your family remains well and safe until the conflict ends. Bastard Putin..

  8. Vladimir Putin may no longer be president after 2024.

    "There have been persistent rumors of an underlying medical condition, most recently Parkinson’s, ..."

    That would be ironic, if Poot Poot had the same disease as Athaulf.

    And scary. FDR was a physical invalid and womanizer and Joe is an invalid and womanizer.

    There must be a system problem in both countries. They keep producing consistently bad results.

  9. Staying flexible and not being rigid in our thinking is good advice most of the time.

  10. a lability to any organization

    1. I'm not sure what you mean. Stayung flexible and not becoming to rigid in our thinking is what enabled many businesses to survive the government's COVID response. Being flexible and guarding against becoming to rigid in our thinking are generally huge assets to almost any organization.


  11. 7:54,

    Ah. It's Mr. Rigid, The Second Coming right here on my computer. I don't understand why you don't have your own Blog of the Known Universe and Beyond. It's what perfect beings do, you know.

    This one good too.Spak the Truth.
    Task and Purpose has a map link he uses on Instagram accunt.

  13. Fred,

    You have no idea who you are talking to. 7:54 is not who you think they are.

  14. As a long-time WNU reader, over the last 5 or 6 years I increasingly saw your once pragmatic view of Russian matters become pro-Putin. Maybe you didn't notice it yourself. And some of it understandable as the USA Administration was led by incompetent corrupt fools for 4 years and inflicted damage we may never heal from. The ex-President obviously admired Putin for his uncontested power and enormous wealth. Very possibly Trump desired to emulate Putin.
    Putin has made blunders before, but with Ukraine Putin has put his reputation, leadership, and control on the line. He will not willingly accept defeat. Is he Napoleon? Is he Peter the Great? Is he Hitler? Maybe a little bit of all 3.
    The REAL spilling of blood is coming. We've seen nothing yet. Putin obviously has only unleashed a tiny fraction of air weaponry at his disposal, likely for reasons of appearance and reputation.
    Rational people don't wish to believe Putin would order tactical nukes strikes within Ukraine. I disagree. He could use nukes within Ukrainian borders, and the West would be paralyzed in fear. Rightfully so. And do nothing in retaliation.

  15. And B Poster was in the office charging clients and posting here at 4:19 Eastern time.

    I love Putin supporter B Poster
