Monday, February 28, 2022

White House Requests $6.4 Billion For Ukraine White House Asks Congress for $6.4 Billion for Ukraine Crisis  

Of the amount, $2.9 billion will go towards military and humanitarian aid, and $3.5 billion will go to the Pentagon  

On Friday, the White House asked Congress for $6.4 billion for military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine and to help US allies in Europe to bolster their security in response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine. 

According to Bloomberg, $2.9 billion will go towards security and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland, and other regional countries. The remaining $3.5 billion will go to the Pentagon “to respond to the crisis.”  

Read more .... 

Update: White House seeks $6.4B from Congress in Ukraine-related aid (The Hill) 

WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. This is not going to be the last request from the White House for money because of Ukraine.

1 comment:

  1. Why are they asking? Why are they not printing? During COIVD they spent like drunken sailors. Now they are chase and pure?
