Tuesday, March 15, 2022

49 U.S. Republican Senators Say they Will Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal

Antiwar.com: 49 Republican Senators Will Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal  

Opposition comes in spite of details not being public on the deal  

In a sign that getting the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran through Congress might by difficult, if not impossible, 49 out of 50 Republican Senators have announced they will not back any deal that doesn’t limit Iran’s missile program and “confront Iran’s support for terrorism.” 

The deal isn’t intended to cover those issues, merely Iran’s civilian nuclear program. The terms are not public, but its not expected to touch on either issue. 

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was the only senator to not come out opposed. Sen. Paul said it didn’t make sense to condemn an unfinished deal, saying it is “not a very thoughtful position.” It is unclear where Senate Democrats will fall on the deal.  

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WNU Editor: Details on the Iran nuclear deal have not been made public yet. I guess these US Senators have no confidence that this is going to be an acceptable deal.


  1. Do we have confidence with Joe-no-ball negotiation????

  2. more than with you tart
