Friday, March 25, 2022

China And Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact

Li Keqiang, left, the Chinese premier, and Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare of the Solomon Islands reviewing an honor guard during a ceremony in Beijing in 2019. (AP)  

DNYUZ/New York Times: China and Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact, Raising Alarm in the Pacific 

SYDNEY, Australia — A leaked document has revealed that China and the Solomon Islands are close to signing a security agreement that could open the door to Chinese troops and naval warships flowing into a Pacific Island nation that played a pivotal role in World War II. 

The agreement, kept secret until now, was shared online Thursday night by opponents of the deal and verified as legitimate by the Australian government. 

Though it is marked as a draft and cites a need for “social order” as a justification for sending Chinese forces, it has set off alarms throughout the Pacific, where concerns about China’s intentions have been growing for years. 

“This is deeply problematic for the United States and a real cause of concern for our allies and partners,” Charles Edel, the inaugural Australia chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said on Friday. 

Read more .... 


China And Solomon Islands Draft Secret Security Pact  

Solomons confirms security talks with China; Australia and New Zealand concerned -- Reuters  

Solomon Islands confirms China security draft, alarming Australia -- BBC  

Australia, New Zealand concerned over Solomon Islands' security talks with China -- CNA  

Australia alarm over China security deal with Solomon Islands -- Al Jazeera  

China Supports Solomon Islands in Maintaining Social Order -- Reuters  

Chinese draft security deal with Solomon Islands didn’t blindside Australia, Morrison says -- The Guardian  

Australia and New Zealand concerned over security pact that could see Chinese troops posted to the Solomon Islands -- SKY News 

Saying China ‘bought’ a military base in the Solomons is simplistic and shows how little Australia understands power in the Pacific -- ABC News Australia  

Solomon Islands reassures an anxious Australia as it works on a China security deal -- CNN


  1. Solomon Islands did this for two treasons. Money, bribes and aid, and loss of confidence in the US in particular, and the West in general.

    Despite what Dr. Google aka mister PhD aka Parrot aka Patchcord Ranger comments about confidence in western leaders being at a all time high, it is a lie.

  2. This would have been unheard of 15 years ago. And not because China wasn't as aggressive back then, but because our hegemony was beyond question.

    The "international community" we hear about incessantly on the news has shrunk year over year as well. It's something like less than 10% of the world population is on board with the Russian sanctions. The warmly welcomed descent into western impoverishment will mean that number really starts to count as our collective GDP in the west shrinks down to parity with the non-aligned countries.

    There are cracks starting to show in the foundation.

  3. I have read the comments thus far on this post and I would ask anon where he finds the data polling wrong in what that Dr posted. Can he prove he is right and Doctor Google is wrong, and, if so, please do so

  4. Dr. Google got his spouse to reply for him. That is so sweet. Maybe the spouse should not use the internet as a babysitting device. What is that anyway? Elder abuse!

  5. everal of the country’s most respected legal scholars say that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must immediately recuse himself from any cases relating to the 2020 election and its aftermath, now that it has been revealed that his wife, Virginia (Ginni) Thomas, colluded extensively with a top White House adviser about overturning Joe Biden’s defeat of then President Donald Trump. On March 24th, the Washington Post and CBS News revealed that they had obtained copies of twenty-nine text messages between Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows, the Trump White House chief of staff, in which she militated relentlessly for invalidating the results of the Presidential election, which she described as an “obvious fraud.” It was necessary, she told Meadows, to “release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down.” Ginni Thomas’s texts to Meadows also refer to conversations that she’d had with “Jared”—possibly Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who also served as a senior adviser to the Administration. (“Just forwarded to yr gmail an email I sent Jared this am.”)

    Stephen Gillers, a law professor at N.Y.U. and a prominent judicial ethicist, described the revelations as “a game changer.” In the past, he explained, he had supported the notion that a Justice and his spouse could pursue their interests in autonomous spheres. “For that reason, I was prepared to, and did tolerate a great deal of Ginni’s political activism,” he said. But “Ginni has now crossed a line.” In an e-mail reacting to the texts, Gillers concluded, “Clarence Thomas cannot sit on any matter involving the election, the invasion of the Capitol, or the work of the January 6 Committee.”

  6. "... Money, bribes and aid, and loss of confidence in the US in particular, and the West in general."

    Lol. For the life of me, I can't think of a single instance when America used money, bribes, and aid as leverage in "negotiations" with other countries.

    Don't worry, I'm sure the CIA is working out regime change in the Solomons in the near future! Those Islands will be crawling with evil ISIS cadres in no time!

  7. I never said the the US, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia or any other country has not used money, bribes or aid to get agreements. I pointed out that China is doing so in the Solomons.

    The KGB conducted regime change at Lumumba university. How many future 3rd world leaders were both beholden and fear of Moscow having survived Lumumba U?

  8. do you support Putin or America?
    time to come out of the closet, a second time

  9. I'll answer that soon, but first I'm gonna go huff some gas fumes so we're both cogitating on the same level. I'm (foolishly) trying to think in ways that the empire can improve the standard of living for the American working class, but clearly I should be viewing the world as a series of simple strawman equations with a can of budweiser in each hand.

  10. I thought the Solomons were just another Chin debt slave.

  11. Isn't that what we are...

  12. I'm sure you hold no debt, Russ.

    Better get back in the bunker, you might get sunburned.

  13. Another copy and paste by Fred (1:46) from the New Yorker

  14. 2:43 pm

    You are also a Chin debt slave without knowing.

  15. thanks for sharing
