Friday, March 25, 2022

Did U.S. President Biden Tell Soldiers Of The 82nd Airborne In Poland That They Are Going To Poland?

NYPost: Biden tells US troops they’ll be in Ukraine in war gaffe 

 President Biden told US troops in Poland Friday that they will witness the bravery of Ukrainians fighting off Russia’s invasion “when you’re there” — making a significant gaffe after he previously said the US must stay out of the European conflict to avoid triggering “World War III.” 

Biden made the remark while addressing members of the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division after lunching on pizza and posing for selfies with dozens of paratroopers at a mess hall in Rzeszow, southeastern Poland.

“You’re going to see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see — you’re gonna see women, young people standing in the middle in front of a damned tank just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground,’” Biden said.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: We are in a very dangerous moment in history right now. The US President has to be very careful on what he says. 

Not surprising. The Russian media is soaking this story as much as they can .... Biden appears to suggest US troops will be sent to Ukraine (RT).  

Update: This is too late. The damage has already been done .... White House is forced to make correction after Biden suggested US troops WOULD be sent into Ukraine and had already been there in speech slip up to paratroopers in Poland (Daily Mail).


  1. Biden may be giving away military secrets, ie a US Army plan to direct covert operations inside Ukraine for some reasons or he has no idea what is coming out of his mouth. No way he won more votes than any other candidate in the history of the United States. This Democratic party administration can only be described as a Mongolian clusterf**k. Keep ducking 🙈

  2. Replies
    1. But but trump. Just admit liberals are stupid and they have ran our ship around in one year and all your dumb ass can talk about is trump I would take him back now even if he declared 100% support for Russia but he hasn't because that is all bs libtard propaganda from all the 1000% libtard news sources nato and the rest of the caockroach elite are the enemy of the world and the common people sooner they burn the better

  3. why do i know a few days ago that we had secret ops already going on? had nothing to do with a visit by Biden...try reading. Not more votes? prove your claim

  4. 8:22

    thank you for sharing

  5. "Biden may be giving away military secrets, ie a US Army plan to direct covert operations inside Ukraine for some reasons or he has no idea"

    Markley, Van Camp, and Robbins are syndicated over 118 radio stations. You have their link and a bit about the show.

    They are of the opinion that the White House staff tell join as little as possible. They try to tell him nothing. This is why. Biden is not all there and he will blurt.

    This trio is on air from Virginia to California and from the Gulf States to Alaska.

    Three guys from three generations

  6. Without a team behind him and a prepared script or teleprompter Obama cannot speak well.
    Speaking off the cuff, Obama is terrible.

    The president is a vehicle for a party or a group of people with in that party. It is, they do not care, if the person is in decline, so long as they can see the image a win the election.

    See FDR, Hillary and Biden

    Hillary appears to be able to walk now. For how far we don't know, but reporters were invited to photograph her walking in the woods 2 or 3 years after the 2016 election.

    Hillary had or has trigeminal neuralgia which affected her balance. You can have poor balance, but good judgement. But it still begs the question if that is all she has.

    We do not know for sure that is all she has, because she and her team never said anything except denials. We do know she had an appearance in NYC on a hot day. That might have been heat stroke. Again heat stroke is not disqualifying. It is sort of like catching a cold. It is not permanent. However during the New York City appearance she was hustled off and had to be assisted.

    I voted against Trump in the primaries. I would rather have a perfect candidate, but there aren't any. At least Trump does what he says he is going to do. Too many Republicans don't.

  7. Biden is not a great orator. Hitler was. Your point?

  8. tired lazy joe is giving speeches in Europe to our allies and doing what Trump has never done. And all you can do while Ukraine is being destroyed a so many fleeing, losing lives, is to dump venom on
    Biden. That comes directly from your allegiance to Trump, Mr shit dumper himself.

  9. 1:00 = 1:03 = 1:04 = Brain dead dude

    No one brought up Hitler until you did.

    I watched a major general close inspecting the ceiling 3 to 5 times, when Joe Bidden was speaking. Biden's speech was that bad.

    Snopes by the Way said it was a correct attribution. What the Hell man, did an 8 year old get hold of Parrot's computer.

    That would be terrible. It is chock full of NSFW stuff.

  10. While speaking with U.S Army 82nd Airborne Division Members at the NATO Operations Base in the Polish City of Rzeszow about Ukrainian Citizens, U.S President Biden said,

    " You will see when you are there, People standing in front of a damn tank, saying I'm not leaving".


  11. Joe Bite-Me:

    "But the Ukrainian people, the Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone. They have a lot of guts. And I’m sure you’re observing it. And I don’t mean just the military, which is, we’ve been training since back when they uh, Russia moved into, into southeast, southeast Ukraine. But also the average citizen. Look at how they’re stepping up. Look at how they’re stepping up. And you’re gonna see when you’re there. And some of you have been there. You’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people, standing, standing in the middle of, in front of a damn tank, just saying, “I’m not leaving. I’m holding my ground.” They’re incredible. But they take a lot of inspiration from us.

    And, you know, the woman who just died, the secretary of state, used to have an expression. She said, “we are the essential nation.” It sounds like a bit of a hyperbole but the truth of the matter is you are the organizing principle around which the rest of the free world is, the free world is moving."

  12. get over it. He is the American president. He is with our troops and our allies. And you dumb fucks can do nothing but try to belittle him?
    WHere is Trump and what has he to say about the 3.5 million fleeing their nation? and the Putin invasion?
    If you are so upset by Biden, pack, and move. You are doing nothing for your nation but spitting on it. That is disgraceful.
    You dislike Biden? ok. Vote for someone else in the next presidential election. Meantime, you lost this time and so stop chewing on your liver and grow some balls
