Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Europe Is Getting Hit By A Covid Resurgence


Bloomberg: Europe Is Getting Hit by Covid Resurgence After Rushed Exit 

(Bloomberg) -- Europe tried to leave Covid-19 behind, but the rush to unwind restrictions is now setting the stage for a revival of pandemic risks. 

Accelerated by the emergence of BA.2 -- a more-transmissible strain of the omicron variant -- the virus has spread rapidly. Germany on Tuesday set a fresh record for infection rates for the four straight day. 

Austria has also reached new highs, while cases in the Netherlands have doubled since lifting curbs on Feb. 25.  

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Europe Is Getting Hit By A Covid Resurgence 

Germany reports 92,378 new cases of Covid-19 in 24 hours -- The Week  

Germany warns of ‘many deaths’ as COVID infections hit new records -- Fortune  

COVID spike in Europe could signal increase in U.S. -- Axios

'Ample room for uncertainty': As COVID-19 cases rise again in Europe, could US see the same? -- USA Today  

What rising Covid-19 infections in the UK and Europe could mean for the US -- CNN


  1. I had it last week. Felt pretty grotty for a couple of days. Like a flu or a very heavy cold. Still have a cough. Keep ducking 🙈

  2. Unknown was a casualty of Faucism.

    He paid for the research.

    Fauci joined at the hip with Xi.

  3. Speaking of viruses

    "Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO – Utah), claimed that Tulsi Gabbard had committed “treason” by noting, accurately and with concern, that the U.S. has admitted that there are unsecured biolabs in the path of the Russian military. "

    I voted for that ____. It was great right up until the 2nd debate and Romney took it like champ, when Candy Crowley plowed him. Then I was only excited about the VP candidate Paul Ryan. That turned sour too in 2013.

  4. We seriously have to talk about trials and capital punishment for these people

  5. You can not talk about such things till you complete high school.
    You do not get to set punishments when you have not even suggested the crimes you allege.

  6. 3:43 is a stupid cuck. COVID, influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus and other viruses are a ubiquitous as airborne allergens that cause hayfever and asthma.

    I mean WTF dude, do you believe that the air is 100% pure and has nothing by oxygen, CO2 and N2 molecules floating around?

    Are you that stupid?

    Cloudy with a Chance of Virus

    Blown Away

    None of the above are the Discover article I was looking-for, but they make the point.

    77% of the people hospitalized or in the ICU for COVID were obese. You do not end the economy because people are obese.

    what you do is prod, cajole persuade, etc. You make sure city streets are safe to walk. The exact opposite was done. City streets were made more dangerous by Democrats.

  7. "Getting a read on the number of viruses falling from the sky helps answer a decades-old question among virologists. Apparently, they’d been spotting viruses with remarkably similar genetic makeups in different environments all over the world, and weren’t sure how that could be."

  8. Snowflakes Aren’t Innocent and Fluffy—They’re Bacteria Bombs from the Sky


  9. Deer Likely Transmitted Coronavirus to a Human

    "The first case of deer-to-human transmission has been found. Does that mean another COVID-19 variant is coming?"


    Is Joe Bite-me going to vaccinate all the deer?

    If he doesn't we are never, ever going to eradicate corona like we did smallpox.
