Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Germany To Buy US-Made F-35 Fighter Jets

U.S. Air Force, Royal Danish Air Force, and Royal Netherlands Air Force F-35A Lightning II fighter jets assigned to the 308th Fighter Squadron, Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., fly in formation, May 5, 2021, over Bagdad, Ariz. The flight marked the first training sortie featuring a Danish pilot flying a Denmark-owned F-35. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Dominic Tyler.  

Air Force Magazine: Germany to Buy F-35 and Typhoon Fighters as It Boosts Defense Spending 

Germany has decided to buy 35 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighters and 15 Eurofighter Typhoons to bolster its air forces, after officials there said they had settled on Boeing F/A-18E/F fighters. The new jets will replace Germany’s fleet of Tornado interdiction/strike aircraft. 

The F-35s would be used for air superiority and strike, while the Typhoons would be used for specialized missions such as electronic attack and escort. Germany has previously said it needs the new aircraft to be operational between 2025 and 2030. The Tornado fleet dates back to the 1980s. 

The stealthy F-35s would also be used to carry tactical nuclear weapons for NATO.  

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 Germany To Buy US-Made F-35 Fighter Jets  

Germany to buy US-made F-35s to replace aging bombers -- AP  

Germany will buy US-made F-35 fighter jets as it ramps up military spending after Russia's Ukraine invasion -- CNN  

Germany to buy 35 Lockheed F-35 fighter jets from U.S. amid Ukraine crisis -- Reuters  

Germany to buy dozens of US fighter jets in spending spree -- France 24 

Germany to buy US F-35 stealth fighters -- DW  

Germany decides to buy F-35, in major reversal of announced plans -- Breaking Defense  

Germany to buy F-35 warplanes for nuclear deterrence -- Defense News


  1. A big blow for Europe witch didn't want to spend money on technologies.

  2. The usual suspects benefitting from war. Good thing they're not allowed to spend unlimited amounts of dark money lobbying our politicians or we might find ourselves in these predicaments cyclically!

  3. The Tornado is the only German jet capable of carrying U.S. nuclear bombs, stored in Germany in case of a conflict. The German Euro Fighter (NOT called the Typhoon in the Luftwaffe) cannot. It was either the F-35A or the F/A-18E/F.



  4. And a side of kraut, please.

  5. The important thing is Lockheed executives will now have four vacation homes instead of three.

    They earned it.

  6. Dark money

    Some complaint. I already know, who I will vote for 6 months in advance of the general election. Advertisement does not sway me.

    The better the journalism, the more people follow events, the more they know of economics, etc the less and adverts are needed r have any effect.

    Trump got elected ion 2016 and he was outspent in terms of any kind of money.

    10:03, the Russian troll, does not know of the cost plus model of buying. The cost plus model of contracting depends more on how often idiots like Xi or Pullution jump up and down like Kim Jong Un than anything else.

  7. When you find that everyone who disagrees with you is a foreign agent it's a sign that the system has failed and trust has irreparably broken down.

  8. When the Russians and Chinese feel the need to engage other peoples through massive trolling campaign it is a sign their systems are broken.

    So much for the Confucius Centers.


  9. 10:32, 11:54,

    Something tells me you don't know jack about China; its history and culture.

    But hey, you do you.

  10. I am so much history buff that I compare the Han and other dynasties to the Roman Empire, America and other polities that I think in abstract terms.

    Read the book "The Three Kingdoms" for which you need score card to keep character straight.

    Favorite opera is "Red Cliffs."

    Have not been to Xinjiang, Manchuria Outer Mongolia, Tibet or Canton, but have been to four other major cities which cover the rest of the country over multiple trips

    Traveled by train, bus and national airline in China.

    My relatives have visited China (& Russia for that matter)

    I do not know the complement of jack about China, but I do know a lot about China.

    You did you and it was underwhelming to any discerning observer.
