Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Is Russia Thinking Of Launching A Surprise Nuclear Attack Against The West?

Dr. Peter Pry: The Nuclear 9/11 In Our Future 

In my report Surprise Attack: ICBMs and the Real Nuclear Threat (2020), I warned that U.S. strategic cultural aversion to “thinking about the unthinkable” and intelligence community biases would virtually guarantee failure to warn of an adversary potential or actual surprise nuclear attack. 

The Intelligence Community “Worldwide Threat Assessment” to Congress on March 8, 2022, once again proves my case.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above is a sobering report on what is the Russian thinking on nuclear war (very different from the West), and how Russia would launch a surprise nuclear strike. 

The author, Dr. Perter Pry, has a lot of credentials. He is the Executive Director of Task Force on National and Homeland Security, a Congressional Advisory Board dedicated to achieving protection of the United States from electromagnetic pulse (EMP), cyber-attack, mass destruction terrorism and other threats to civilian critical infrastructures on an accelerated basis. Dr. Pry is also the Director of the United States Nuclear Strategy Forum, a Congressional Advisory Board dedicated to developing policies to counter Weapons of Mass Destruction. In 2015, Dr. Pry testified in Denver on Colorado’s first attempt to pass EMP/GMD legislation. Dr. Pry also continues to serve on the Congressional EMP Commission, like his fellow commissioners, despite the current lack of Congressional funding."

 Hat tip Canadian Prepper.


  1. There was a not to recent simulation that had Russia firing a "warning" shot.

    It's also had Europe being hit first if only due to flight time.

  2. "In 2015, Dr. Pry testified in Denver on Colorado’s first attempt to pass EMP/GMD legislation. Dr. Pry also continues to serve on the Congressional EMP Commission ..."

    TALK, TALK, TALK ...

    It has been two decades. The US needs something on the order of 18 transformers, which have an 18 month lead time, to survive an EMP attack. They spent trillions an trillions during COVID but there were no purchases of transformers.

    Someone ought to tell Secretary Buttgig that there electrical car charging stations do not work in the transformers are fried.

  3. Destroyed power transformers could keep regional grid down for 2 years

    This post contains excerpts from the Department of Energy document “Large power transformers and the U.S. electric grid”, which are essential critical infrastructure for the electric grid. They are huge — up to 820,000 pounds. If large power transformers are destroyed by a geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) electromagnetic pulse (EMP), cyber-attack, sabotage, severe weather, floods, or simply old age, parts or all of the electric grid could be down in a region for 6 months to 2 years. This is because the USA imports 85% of them, there is competition with other nations for limited production and raw materials such as special grade electrical steel, a high cost ranging from $2.5 to $10 million dollars (including transport/installation), and they are custom built, with long lead times to design, bid, manufacture, and deliver, with components depending on long foreign production and supply chains. The United States large power transformers are aging faster than they’re being replaced, and even more are needed for new intermittent renewable generation, which has the potential to damage them if not integrated carefully into the existing electric grid. There are possibly tens of thousands of LPT’s in America, mostly built between 1954 and 1978, so an increasing percentage of these aging LPT’s will need to be replaced within the next few decades.

  4. A surprise nuclear attack is the greatest threat we face in terms of casualties and other damages. Even though his voice is lonely right now it's a start.

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    1. If you want to contact me to discuss accounting or incume tax issues, the best way is through our website. I've posted it here numerous times. I w6ll do so again. www.fosheecpa com.

  6. well Mr. 10:27....... right on cue. Mr. Positive with never a negative comment. (sarc)

    Nuke attack. bad ju ju ...this country will never recover not in our life time... will probably be a broken up series of independent states.

    EMP. read one minute after... good start

    1. Actually I'm quite positive generally. I try to take the approach of the editor. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

      As for the breakup of the US, if the leadership continues their policies of trying to divide us and disenfranchisement of entire segments of our society, the eventual breakup of the country is likeky inevitable. Of course they may try and use the military to keep those wishing not to remain subservient to them under their control. The misguided economic polices pursued by the leadership class is another issue of contention.

      While we aren't there yet, keep doing as they're doing and the end result is inevitable. Of course this assumes foreign adversaries don't finish the country off first.

      I actually think we're going to change course in time. I think America has a bright future!!

      To not try and prepare for the worst is foolhardy. In order to do so requires facing reality and having candid discussions about it. Taking a Pollyanna approach to life helps no one.

  7. Time permitting I'll have to check out the book!! At least Dr. Pry seems like a serious person engaged in serious analysis. In contrast, the leadership class and media analysis on the Russia/Ukraine war is nothing more than the Ukraine fan club. I really hope Ukraine wins this.
