Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Is There A Peace Deal Putin And Zelensky Can Accept?

Pat Buchanan: In an interview with Reuters, Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman for decades, made a startling offer. Moscow could end the Ukraine war immediately, said Peskov, if four conditions were met. 

* Ukraine should cease all military action, 

* Recognize Crimea as part of Russia,

* Accept the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk separatist enclaves, 

* And enact a constitutional commitment to “neutrality,” which would prevent Ukraine from ever joining NATO. Were this to be done, said Peskov, the war “will stop in a moment.” 

As this would restore the situation in Ukraine to the “status quo ante” that existed before Putin ordered the invasion, Peskov’s offer seemed not to be believable. 

Yet, according to The New York Times, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky “seemed surprisingly open to the idea.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: There is a lot of hope that a deal will be reached. Unfortunately, I do not see any common ground between Putin and Zelensky for them to reach a peace deal that will end this conflict. And more to the point. With each passing day it looks like Putin now wants more than just the recognition of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent Republics and Crimea belonging to Russia. He actually wants to break-up Ukraine. 

At the beginning of the invasion this blog hypothesized that the Kremlin's strategic goal is to impose a Yugoslav solution to Ukraine. A break-up of the country where Russian-Ukrainians will live in the central/south/and eastern part of the country, and the western part will be for those who only identify themsevles as Ukrainians. And even though this outcome will make Russia a pariah state, and it will take at least a decade and the next leader of Russia to heal the divisions that this war has caused with the West, the division of Ukraine will be a fait-accompli and I sense in Putin's mind it will be worth it. 

In the above post Pat Buchanan speculates on what will happen if Ukraine is broken up. And I fear that he may be onto something.


  1. An acceptable deal would be Russia as a radioactive wasteland.

  2. Buchanan has been pretty accurate with his assessments for months. I wouldn't be suprised if he is onto something with this.

  3. Can't trust Putin, period. He'll just add ongoing addendums to the original stipulations.
