Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Is The Threat Of World War III Just A Bluff?

The four senators in Poland over the weekend met with the U.S. Ambassador to Poland Mark Brzezinski  

Daily Mail: 'It's not going to be WWIII. This is all a bluff': Democrats and Republicans ramp up demands to Biden to send Polish MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine because Putin is 'escalating' every day and has now asked CHINA for weapons 

* Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are increasing calls for the U.S. to send MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine after a deal with Poland fell through last week 

* Comes after a report revealed that Russia asked China for assistance on their assault on Ukraine in the form of drones and money 

* Four senators traveled to Poland over the weekend to push for the Biden administration to send war planes to Ukraine 

* Previously the Pentagon poured cold water on the proposed deal because they warned it would cause World War III 

* 'It's not going to be WWIII. This is all a bluff. Putin knows that no one wins a nuclear exchange,' Senator Lindsey Graham told Fox's Sunday Morning Futures 

* Added: 'If he ordered a preemptive strike on the United States, some general would shoot him in the head' 

A growing bipartisan group of lawmakers are ramping up calls for the U.S. to work with Poland on a proposed deal to get MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine to help in their defense against Russia after the Pentagon poured cold water on the plan earlier this month. 

Republican Senators Rob Portman of Ohio and Roger Wicker of Mississippi and Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut traveled as a bipartisan delegation to Poland's eastern border to urge the administration to send aerial assistance to Ukraine. 

Russia has warned that sending fighter jets or establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine would mean the U.S. and other western nations are escalating and could warrant a larger response from Moscow.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It is not a bluff. Even if the probability is 98% that there will be no nuclear war, that 2% will be enough to keep me awake at night.


  1. talk about the rise of the beast 666 will win govt souls and the bottomless pit the fall of man 2022

  2. better by u better then me

  3. Russians, Ukrainians Take Advantage of Biden’s Free-for-All on the Southern Border as They Flee Eastern Europe – Thousands have Already Come to the US Through Mexico

    So the heifers of the View, RINOs and Democrats are all upset about Russia. So what do they do? Leave the southern border and let in thousands of unvetted Russia.

    For their next trick Democrats strip naked on a subway car without lighting in a crowd of pep0e and wonder why they are screwed 6 ways to Sunday.

  4. What exactly qualifies our congressmen and senators to head over to another continent and act like war leaders. Fix the goddamn lead in the water pipes you crooks.

  5. Lead in pipes is not a problem. The lead issue is a red herring thrown out by you.

    My state has a program to replace lead pipes. There is no need for national leader in America to concern themselves. Building codes have changed a long while back and older house will be taken care of by state program. Besides lead pipes are perfectly safe unless the water department changes their purification treatment in certain ways,

    Building codes are local and state issues.

    I've looked at the 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats. I don't like a one of them. But we can police our own. Stay the fuck out of it Russian troll boy.

  6. get over it. Trump lost. Prove otherwise. I dare you
    ps:rump wall a total failure. Yes. The one that he was going to have Mexico pay for.
