Friday, March 25, 2022

Mapping The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine -- March 25, 2022


  1. "US President Joe Biden will travel to a town near the Polish-Ukrainian border Friday, trying to signal Western resolve in the face of a Russian invasion that has increasingly turned to a grinding war of attrition"

    Key word is trying. The Russian already took the measure of Biden and his handlers when he gave lethal military aid through the Baltic countries, instead of directly.

    By using a middle man it signaled that he and the cabal that ruins him did not want to throw down with Russia. They thought Russia would win quickly and handily and they wanted no part of Russia after that.

    It begs the question how much more poorly the Russian invasion would have done if the Americans had given more, more quickly and directly. Would Ukraine had been invaded at all, if the Americans had been forthright?

  2. People living in NATO nations reported sharply higher confidence in U.S. global leadership during President Joe Biden’s first year in office than during the last year of Donald Trump’s presidency, according to newly released findings from Gallup, signaling support that Biden will draw on this week in pushing for renewed pressure on Russia.

    Polling from more than two dozen NATO nations showed nearly all saw an increase in approval ratings in 2021, as compared to 2020, when asked about perceptions of U.S. leadership abroad.

    The survey indicates that Europe’s faith in the U.S. rebounded from lows seen in the Trump administration. The median approval rating rose to 41%, from 18% the previous year, the results show, though approval remains below levels seen in the final years of the Obama administration.

    “This positions the U.S. very well, compared to the past,” said Julie Ray, a Gallup editor. “It’s in a better position now than it was with the previous administration, in terms of audiences being receptive and engaging in U.S. leadership and being open to it.”

    The data, compiled last year and released Wednesday, are part of a global survey. Some of the findings were from before the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last August, while some were after. It’s not clear what impact that had, Ray said. By comparison, views toward Russian and Chinese actions abroad were relatively unchanged, Ray added.

  3. Why are the pockets in the north east almost completely ignored by the media while we focus on Mariupol so intensely. There are 70,000 troops surrounded near Chernihiv and Sumy fighting for their lives but you hear almost nothing about their struggle.

  4. Dr. Google and 10:15 are both posts by Fred L.

    As to why nothing is heard about the Chernihiv pocket? Because it would make Joe Biden look bad. That's why.

    Timid man led by timid cabinet is a day late and a dollar short.

  5. facts are facts. go back to mommy's for a feeding

  6. Now that both parties recognize that war is great for domestic appeal all the world's problems are solved!

  7. "Now that both parties recognize that war is great for domestic appeal all the world's problems are solved!"

    Fred thinks so. He is mad (1:18) that we do not all clap like seals.

    To answer Fred about the polls. We have seen many instances of pollsters oversampling Democrats. Also the psychological wording of the poll matters. So innumerate and technically illiterate Fred can thump his chest all day long like he is a silverback, but that does not make him right or thoughtful.
