Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Pentagon Rushing To Replace Thousands Of U.S.-Made Javelin And Stinger Missiles Pulled From European And American Stockpiles For Use In Ukraine

Politico: Pentagon scrambles to replenish weapons stocks sent to Ukraine  

Lawmakers want the U.S. to make more missiles, but companies will wait until they have contracts before cranking up production. 

The Pentagon is rushing to replace thousands of U.S.-made Javelin and Stinger missiles pulled from European and American stockpiles for use in Ukraine. But the multibillion-dollar effort is still waiting on the military and defense industry to figure out how to ramp up production quickly. 

 Congress has declared it’s all-in on the restocking effort, forking over $3.5 billion to the Pentagon this month alone as part of a $1.5 trillion government spending package. What’s still unclear is how and when the Pentagon will spend that money. 

The exact number of Javelins and Stingers sent to Ukraine is difficult to estimate since most countries have been vague about the size of their contribution. But open-source data indicates the U.S. has sent about 1,400 Stingers and 4,600 Javelins. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia also pulled from their own stockpiles, along with 200 Stingers from the Netherlands and 500 from Germany. Several European countries have also sent thousands of their own shoulder-launched anti-armor weapons to aid in the fight.  

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WNU Editor: The Kremlin is seeing these arms shipments as an act of war .... Russia says Western sanctions and arms shipments to Ukraine are acts of war (The Economist).


  1. Good thing Trump invested in these stores. After years of Democrat defunding.

  2. If the Russian leadershit wants everything to be viewed as an act of war, let us have war.

    Lawyers can bend everything into a pretzel It all depends on what the meaning of the word is is.

    Ukraine and Russia were in various NATO programs like Partners for Peace. I think much of it is hogwash, so people can justify their salaries. So you could say Ukraine and Russia were both in NATO. Maybe it was a dipped toe or maybe it was foot in the door. It is like being a little bit preggers. The upshot is Russia attacked a NATO member, Ukraine. Not a full member, but a member nonetheless.

    Worse Russia as a NATO member attacked another NATO member. This means only one thing house cleaning in Moscow.

  3. Wnu..so what? , by their current oerformance they'd best behave and keep quiet

  4. Love to know what the US is charging for these now that would be breaking news I'm sure they are not just giving them away from the ''goodness of their hearts''..

  5. 2:39

    I don't remember billing the mujaheddin in Afghanistan for stingers.

  6. anon wrong
    Dems and gop always approve military spending. prove otherwise

  7. Military expenditures went down form 2012 to 2017. See chart linked below.

    United States Military Expenditures

    ^ Proven otherwise

  8. No one wants war with Russia
    What NATO did, this expansion against their promise is not something I support
    Having said that fck Putin for invading Ukraine and killing civilians like it's a fucking game..
    It almost feels as if they (Putin and our cabal) work together to destroy food supply chain and our economies. The outcome of all this is predictable. End of dollar. To be conveniently replaced with a digital, trackable currency tied to a social credit system. And they'll use some terrorism attack or false flag to justify it all.

    We have to hold these people accountable. Not just Putin, but our treacherous traitors too


  9. "Meanwhile, the Obama administration refused to send military weapons to Ukraine and relied mostly on sending non-lethal aid. Some examples of non-lethal aid were night-vision goggles, Humvees, patrol boats, body armor, humanitarian assistance, and U.S. military trainers."

    What we need is a table listing all aid sent by Obasm, Trump & Bite-me.

    Column headings could be gov't stock # (NSN), nomenclature, quantity, year, administration and category (lethal versus non-lethal).

    That would clear up who did what by getting down into the weeds (a granular level).

    Well, it would not help 7:59 (FRED), because I do not think he knows what an NSN is. Also the year column would be TMI for him. He is not real good with numbers. He has an account you see. Prove otherwise.

  10. The US should approve NATO expansion right up to the front door of Putin's yacht and dacha.

    Russia invaded

    Afghanistan and

    Of course, I support NATO expansion.

    The only people who don't are three cyber warfare dweebs in sitting a small room in Moscow trolling and eyeballing each other.

  11. I am telling u worldwide NATO is 666 and ur all doomed 2 die

  12. Help Russia help China

  13. Poison in the air

  14. The war will get very big now

  15. military spending went down, says the chart. But still more than any other nation in the entire world
    and spending for military still higher under Obama than under Trump

    US election 2020: Has Trump kept his promises on the military? - BBC News

  16. I'm amazed that wnu editor still let you post here..

  17. "Dems and gop always approve military spending"

    Look at the chart again. Use a 25 year range. Defense spending went down in Reagan's 2nd term and George Herbert Walker Bush's term. It went down in Clintons and Obamas 2nd term in office.

    "But still more than any other nation in the entire world"

    It is called purchasing parity. It costs more to rent in NYC than elsewhere. A better exercise is to count tanks, ships and planes and nit nominal dollar amounts.

  18. Obama significantly increased aid to Ukraine for two years and then gave up and decreased it.


  19. Dec. 2017
    President Trump approves the first provision of lethal, defensive aid to Ukraine, widening a program of heightened assistance initiated by the Obama administration after Russia’s 2014 seizure of Ukrainian territory in Crimea.'

    Obama had FY2 2015, 2016 and 2017 to provide lethal id to Ukraine, but the scumsucker didn't.

