Wednesday, March 16, 2022

President Biden Says Russian President Putin Is A “War Criminal”


Daily Mail: Biden calls Putin a WAR CRIMINAL for first time: Kremlin slams 'unforgivable rhetoric' from a 'head of state whose bombs kill thousands' after US sent $800M military package with drones to Ukraine 

* Biden signed a $13.6 billion package into law Tuesday that provides military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine as it fends off a Russian invasion that has reportedly seen more civilians slaughtered than Ukrainian soldiers 

* Ukrainian President Zelensky pleaded for more assistance in an impassioned speech to Congress Wednesday 

* 'I need to protect our skies,' Zelensky told American federal lawmakers, asking for a no-fly zone 

* Biden blasted Russia's autocrat President Vladimir Putin’s 'depraved onslaught' in Ukraine 

* He gave a detailed account of the latest weapons transfer from the US including artillery, mortar rounds, 20 million rounds of ammunition, 9,000 anti-armor system and 7,000 small arms were included in the package 

* As Zelensky addressed Congress, Putin delivered his own remarks that included a chilling warning for US and the West that their 'attempts to have global dominance' are coming to an end 

* The president's latest denunciation of Putin comes after Russian troops gunned down civilians in a bread line 

* In its response to Biden the Kremlin blasted the U.S., claiming its 'bombs killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world' in a statement first reported by Russian state media 

* Canada and the United Kingdom have also accused Putin of committing war crimes in his Ukraine assault 

President Joe Biden finally called Vladimir Putin a war criminal on Wednesday after watching 20 days of atrocities in Ukraine and announcing an $800million military package including drones to to be sent to Volodymyr Zelensky's fighters. 

Biden said 'I think he is a war criminal' when asked by reporters about Putin's relentless attacks on civilians following an event on Wednesday afternoon and just hours after Zelensky urged him to be the 'leader for peace' and asked the US for more help in an impassioned speech to Congress. 

The President's condemnation of Putin's actions came after he provided a detailed laundry list at the White House Wednesday of a new tranche of $800 million in deadly arms the U.S. is providing to Ukraine as it it continues to fight against Russia's brutal invasion.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The US Senate said the same thing earlier in the day .... U.S. Senate unanimously condemns Putin as war criminal (Reuters).

In a time when everyone needs to de-escalate tensions, this rhetoric is only going to accelerate tensions to levels that we have not seen since the height of the Cold War. 

President Biden Says Russian President Putin Is A “War Criminal”  

Biden calls Putin a war criminal after Zelenskiy speaks to Congress -- The Guardian  

Biden says Russian leader Putin ‘is a war criminal’ for Ukraine attacks -- CNBC 

Biden calls Putin a war criminal -- The Hill  

Biden calls Putin a 'war criminal' after saying Russia is inflicting 'appalling devastation' on Ukraine -- FOX News  

Biden calls Russia's Putin a 'war criminal' over invasion of Ukraine -- ABC News

Biden on Putin: 'I think he is a war criminal' -- CNN Biden calls Putin a 'war criminal' for the first time -- The Week 

Biden says Putin is a "war criminal" -- Axios


  1. "In a time when everyone needs to de-escalate tensions, this rhetoric is only going to accelerate tensions to levels that we have not seen since the height of the Cold War."

    Oh fuck off WNU, seriously. You really are showing your colors. Calling Putin a 'war criminal' is going to accelerate tensions to levels not seen since the height of the cold war? Have you been living under a rock these past few weeks?

    Get over yourself, take the reality pill.

  2. "this rhetoric is only going to accelerate tensions to levels that we have not seen since the height of the Cold War. "

    Lowballing it.

    It is worse than the Cold War.

  3. In vading a nation and then bombing civilians daily is being a war criminal

  4. your better off living in a zoo putin

  5. feel how the animals kill clones like u

  6. This is just virtue signaling at Ukraine's expense.

  7. Democrats only deal in intense feelings and hyperbolic language.

  8. Biden wants to ramp up the tensions because American tend to rally around the President in times of war--this is Biden's cynical ploy to prevent a rout in the 2022 mid-term elections. Additionally, he will find ways to keep the tensions high through the 2024 Presidential elections.

  9. War criminals pointing fingers at other war criminals. Just tell me which one I need to vote for already!

  10. US has the most war criminals with all the illegal wars.

  11. WNU,

    Putin is a war criminal. I imagine if Biden didn't say Putin was a war criminal, you would call Biden weak.

    "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"

  12. Biden is weak.

    Biden could not face Cornpop in a fist fight.

    Biden advised against capturing or killing Osama bin Laden.

    Biden abandoned the Afghan who rescued him.

  13. Friendly notice that the bombing of the drama theater was predicted by the locals 4 days ago.

    "Information allegedly came from Mariupol locals ( reminder - they are mostly ethnic Russian) that
    neo-Nazi from Azov gathered Mariupol women, children & elderly into the building of Mariupol drama theatre and are going to blow it up, blaming the victims on "Russian shelling"

    Of course the usual bots will call me a russian troll, but the timestamps don't lie. Might as well accuse me of having a time machine while you're at it.

  14. Russians hit every other apartment building. Why not that one too? Go away troll. 80% of Twitter is bots. It is not like twitter is authoritive.

  15. If Putin is, also Bush, Obama, Sarkozy, Blair, Erdogan, Nethanyau and the Saud family are. Game of ruining nations has started long ago.


    A US drone strike that killed 10 Afghan civilians was an error that did not violate any laws, a Pentagon inspector said following an investigation.

    "It was an honest mistake," US Air Force Inspector Lieutenant General Sami Said told reporters.

    The strike on 29 August killed three adults, including a man who worked for a US aid group, and seven children.


    After assuming the presidency, Biden ordered a review of U.S. strikes. Pending the outcome, Biden elected to impose temporary limits, akin to Obama’s near certainty standard. Instead of delegating strike approval to tactical commanders, as was done in the past, Biden centralized targeting decisions within the White House (the August strike appears to have been an exception).

    So upon assuming office Biden reinstated Obama's policy of the president having to approve each individual drone strike personally, something that Trump delegated to the Pentagon during his tenure. Except we're supposed to believe that for the one specific strike that turned out to be an atrocious murder of an aid worker and her kids he had nothing to do with it.

    It's easy to not be a war criminal. You just insist that you aren't and if you're not some washed up african/balkan warlord then nobody can do anything about it.

  17. Shocking how little attention is paid to how Joe first said that Putin isn't a war criminal when questioned and then dawdled back to his handlers who had to correct him. Then he awkwardly tracked down that reporter and asked to re-answer the question properly. Senility.

  18. Biden ordered the drone strike I think. If he said the words, he still can be gotten off on an insanity defense. Thing is Biden or someone using his name ordered the strike.

    The positive aspect of Trump pushing responsibility down are several. If responsibility rests at a lower level they cannot pass the buck up the chain, they will be more careful.

    I do not agree about Bush. War in Afghanistan was guaranteed by the Taliban when they refused to hand over Osama.

    Saddam Hussein violated the armistice he signed tie and time again. Bush did not initiate a war. He resumed one.

    The Saudis did not initiate the war in Yemen.
