Tuesday, March 22, 2022

President Biden: ‘There’s Going To Be A New World Order And The U.S. Will Lead It’

Daily Caller: Biden: ‘There’s Going To Be A New World Order’ 

President Joe Biden said Monday there would be “a new world order” established and led by the United States while speaking at a roundtable to discuss Russia’s war on Ukraine and the economy. 

“You know we are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy — not just the world economy, in the world. Occurs every three or four generations,” Biden said. “As one of the top military people said to me in a security meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946, and since then, we’ve established a liberal world order and that hadn’t happened in a long while.”  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: They are not even hiding it anymore.


  1. Drug + Alzheimer = delirium Tremens or equivalent.

  2. Actually the world order Biden wants China would lead, but we are stepping back to the cold war days ask me.

    If leftist have their way in America the world is basically lost.

  3. Want to know why there was talk of impeaching Trump before he was even inaugurated? This is why. He doesn't share globalist worldview. As simple as that.

  4. According to the US gov.- as its run now-It never ceases to amaze me and others that the US and the EU firmly believe that they are the only ones on the planet....

  5. That’s not a good outcome of the war.

  6. when you have nothing worthwhile to say, say it at this site

  7. They tipped their hand, but they are at least semi-incompetent.

    Biden Brings Back "Strategic Patience"

    Stop the Russian Invasion of America

    They may want the invasion along the southern border, but they cannot contain it. They may think they can control the top jobs or carve out little fiefdoms from the carcass of America, but they are deluding themselves.

    What makes Obama and his admin alumni think they are going to win. The best I heard is that Kiev front has stabilized. Which means that front from Donbas, Kherson and other points can collapse.

    It occurred to me depending on how fast they have to move that, if they get rid of Kamala, they have to get rid of Nancy Pelosi too. That would be the DNC doing that. There is no way they would get rid of Prez Dementia and Kamala quickly, so they can settle for 80 year old dingbat Pelosi. Pelosi should figure out what nursing home or beach she wants to retire-to in the coming year.

  8. Biden the Fuckwit

    8,600 Russians have shown up at our border with Mexico since last August

    5,534 Ukrainians have also arrived since October

    In one video, a man with Asiatic features wearing a Russian Army shirt directs his video to all Russians

    The Russians, who crossed the border without being caught, will not likely be found in big cities.

    Retired radio host Jim fisher said he visited Chicago seven years ago. While walking around he eavesdropped on two Russians and learned they were illegals. Mr. Fisher is trilingual, so he knows of what he speaks.

  9. New world order implies that we WON'T be leading it, given we currently lead the present one. China will lead the new world order and the Yuan will slowly take over as the reserve currency.

    Doddering old man will read whatever is put in front of him.

  10. I mean... neither is China or Russia hiding their intents.

  11. Keep on dreaming zz.....with you at the helm the SQUAD Kamala and the rest of the gang who knows what else you gonna come up with no-one will ever take you seriously again after the Afghan fiasco.


  13. The normal commenters here are not important in government, but how many read the comments? Three quarters or more of the comments are a waste of time. Others are not much better.

    I'm writing because 10:10 seems like Fred, but he is easily imitable. Yet somehow it seems a little off. Supposing it is not Fred, then we have a troll imitating Fred. The question is why would you imitate such a lightweight person?

  14. the real question: why waste your time in going after a person commenting because you do not care for the comment and instead of making a comment about your views on the issue being discussed, with adult views that do not waste time in badmouthing someone?

  15. Hey little asshole, people criticized a public figure. His name his Biden. They have a constitutional right to criticize him including name calling.

    You spazzed out and wrote:


    When someone write that Joe is demented you call it name calling. Others call it self evident truth. Maybe you ought to work for Factcheck.org, since you have such a high opinion of yourself.

    You whine about name calling, call names, and never provide proof or reasoning other than copy and pastes.

    The NYT time after two years finally gave you permission to admit that Hunter's laptop was real and not Russian disinformation. You going to wait another 2 years before the NYT allows to admit that Joe is demented?

    Anytime you go after people for criticizing or lampooning a public figure, who is a scheister, I will criticize you also, It is fun and easy since, you are such a pud.

  16. to call someone a loser is right out of Trump's playbook. Trump lost the election. Now that is Losing that counts, not telling us how popular he is or that others are losers. Trump Lost. simple. to the point. Trump lost.

  17. Nope the "loser loser loser" is straight out of the patchcord ranger playbook. That is the playbook from which I am borrowing.

    Trump won. Election was stolen. We saw it stolen on CCTV.

  18. "Trump won. Election was stolen. We saw it stolen on CCTV."

    Lol. Still can't get over it!

    Go pound sand loser.

    1. You're pounding sand Mr.Whiney!

  19. CCTV. We all saw Ruby Freeman steal the election in Georgia.

  20. Tens of millions of people care. And there are tens of millions of Democrats, who don't care if they win by hook or by crook so long as they win.

    Try again.

  21. I'm not sad Mr.Whiney!
