Thursday, March 17, 2022

President Biden Will Call Chinese President Xi To Discuss Ukraine And Economic Issues

US President Joe Biden speaks with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a virtual summit on 15 November 2021. Mandel Ngan/AFP/via Bloomberg  

Daily Mail: Biden will call Chinese President Xi TOMORROW after White House warned Beijing of severe consequences if they helped Russia in the war with Ukraine 

* President Joe Biden will speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday 

* Administration trying to keep Beijing from coming to Russia's aid in Ukraine 

* 'The two Leaders will discuss managing the competition between our two countries as well as Russia's war against Ukraine and other issues of mutual concern,' Jen Psaki said 

* Beijing has offered to act as mediator between Russia and the Ukraine but it also denounced trade and financial sanctions against Russia 

* Xi met with Vladimir Putin in February when Putin was in Beijing for Olympics 

President Joe Biden will speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday after the administration warned Beijing of severe consequences if they came to Russia's aid in the Ukraine. 

The call is 'part of our ongoing efforts to maintain open lines of communication between the United States and the PRC [People's Republic of China],' White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement on Thursday. 

'The two Leaders will discuss managing the competition between our two countries as well as Russia's war against Ukraine and other issues of mutual concern,' she noted.  

Read more .... 

President Biden Will Call Chinese President Xi To Discuss Ukraine And Economic Issues  

Biden to speak with Chinese President Xi to discuss Russia, economic issues -- AP  

Biden, Xi to speak as U.S. warns about China military aid for Ukraine war -- Reuters  

Biden to Speak With Xi Friday in Bid to Keep Pressuring Putin -- Bloomberg 

Biden will talk to Xi Friday amid Russian war in Ukraine -- Politico 

Biden to press Xi to get in line over condemnation of Russia -- AFP  

Biden to talk about war in Ukraine with Chinese President Xi Jinping Friday -- FOX News


  1. If Xi is nursing home worker material, that is kind and patient person with the elderly or the demented, then the phone call will go well enough.

  2. remark of a truly dumb person above
    Biden is doing a great job and the GOP is behind his moves thus far. Your insults are juvenile

  3. No, you are the idiot 6:59.

    It would be funny as shit, if Xi did not answer Biden's call like the USA or Saudi Arabia. I do not expect it, but neither would I be shocked, if it happened.

    What I expect (55%) is X to listen or pretend to listen to Grandpa mumbles and be noncommittal. The end result being that Jen Psaki spins this as win because grandpa was engaging in diplomacy. Proof? Grandpa was jacking his jaw up and down and some semi coherent words came out.

    Mittens Romney and a few other assholes might be behind President Pretend, but the GOP is not. There are people on both sides and just because Mittens and Miss Lindsay are the most vocal does not mean that most of the GOP is behind them.

    My insults are meet and good. They are necessary. Things are so bad that if I did not laugh I would cry. That little asshole is demented.

    You do know that your boy is in court and the New York Times is belatedly admitting that Hunter's laptop is real. Emails on the laptop showed that Mr10% (Biden) and Hunter shared at least one joint account. Hunter paid some of Mr. 10%'s bills. There is a chance that President Mumbles is going down.

    TPTB can squash the court case against Hunter. Hopeful people acknowledge this. The question is do the TPTB feel the need to get rid of Joe. The answer might be on the 2022 midterms. If Joe is seen too much of a liability then Hunter will be prosecuted and Joe will be forced out of office. They might say it is for health reasons.

    The problem for the American PTB is that the Russians and Chinese and Russians are also watching the mid terms. If they think that it might be worth it to stir up a hornet's nest by unloading Biden's dirt, they will, just keep the American political scene roiled up and distracted. It is known they have dirt and waiting until November 2024 or December it might be too late.

  4. The bottom just fell out on the polls for Joe Biden. If it continues that way for a day, Joe will break new ground in negative territory. Joe will have the lowest prez polls in history.

    Joe actually cannot pardon Hunter.

    It is all up to Ron Klain, Obama and others, if they want Hunter pardoned. Joe gets to hold the pen and have his picture taken of they decide Hunter will be pardoned.

    Joe is president Puppet.

    Joe does as he is told.

    Prediction: The judicial process against Hunter will last up to the midterm elections. If the elections are bad for Democrats, they will tell Joe to resign for health reasons or Hunter gets it (with Joe being later). They are hanging prosecution of Hunter over Joe's head.

    Prosecution of Hunter is the Sword of Damocles that the DNC is hanging over Joe's head.

  5. i would not talk 2 unworthy clones like presidents of the earth
