Sunday, March 20, 2022

Reports Say Russian President Putin Ready To Order Nuclear Evacuation Drills

Daily Mail: 'Depressed' Vladimir Putin is 'set to hold a nuclear evacuation drill' with the Kremlin's doomsday plane after moving his family to a 'secret underground city' in Siberia, 'insider' account claims 

* Questions have been raised over health and mental state of Russia's president 

* Fears of nuclear conflict increased when he threatened NATO with 'consequences' if it intervened in the war, and put his nuclear forces on standby 

* Now, a source has claimed he has told his close allies to prepare for nuclear drills * An element of Russian plans for a nuclear war are a fleet of 'flying Kremlins' 

* The doomsday planes would allow Putin to fly above an atomic catastrophe 

A 'depressed' Vladimir Putin is 'set to hold a nuclear evacuation drill' having 'moved his family to a 'secret underground city' with the Kremlin's doomsday plan, insider sources have claimed. 

One source that previously said Putin is suffering from multiple and serious medical problems, and also claimed that Russian death toll in the Ukraine war was higher than even Kyiv's estimates with over 17,000 casualties in 23 days of fighting.  

Read more .... 

Update #1: Vladimir Putin 'asks Kremlin staff to perform doomsday nuclear attack drill' (Mirror) 

Update #2: Putin set to hold nuclear evacuation drill; moved family to Siberia: Reports (Hindustan Times) 

WNU Editor: When these exercises start this is the plane that everyone will be tracking .... Russian “Doomsday” Plane On Standby As Putin Orders Nuclear Drills (Live and Lets Fly).


  1. The US should have drills too. If they get out of hand, well that is on Putin and jingoistic Russians everywhere.

    1. I agree!! The US will use nukes to protect Hunter. Drills aren't necessary!! Thankfully former president Trump fixed our discfunctuonal nuclear arsenal

    2. Dysfunctional this and that , the only thing proven to be hyperbole and 2nd tier is your much vaunted Russian military . Iran would be 4th rate.

  2. Putin should be wondering if the maintenance of his nuclear delivery systems is better than that of his front line Army formations. He might also consider the dedication of those personnel. I’m sure he was told and believed the Russian Army would be partying in Kyiv within 48 hours. Putin has the second best Army in Ukraine and he can’t gain air superiority when he can fly his aircraft from their safe home bases against SAMS they themselves designed.
    Hope and pray it doesn’t escalate to the WMD level, and hope if Putin tries to give a nuclear employment order someone with brains and a moral compass stops him.

    1. He will eat a bullet if he gave that order

  3. Well, if the Russian 'doomsday plane' is anything like their 'aircraft carrier', it will make more open source noise, smoke and signature than a Bear Bomber probe off Alaska.

    In fact that might be a better scoot.




  4. You guys realize that the U.S. doomsday plane, as posted on tis blog, was on exercise flight hours after the Russians raised their nuclear readiness levels?

    They've already done part of the training, and do regular minute man launches. Just because they postponed one a couple weeks ago, doesn't mean they don't do their training :P

    Either case, I would be depressed too if I was Putin.. seeing all these hordes of programmed NPCs cheering on the Ukraine side, without understanding what's going on - is in fact depressing.

    You guys realize that this war could have been avoided if Ukraine didn't plan to join NATO?

    It could have been avoided if NATO wasn't on the ever-expanding mission, contradicting a promise we (the NATO alliance) gave the Russians in a recorded statement between high-ranking officials? - Albeit it's true that it was never put into a contract, the verbal agreement was recorded in written memos and should be at least somewhat honored. Instead, expansion, expansion, expansion

    Look, I'm all for a strong NATO. But I'm also for respecting Russia's own security needs.

    I'm against what Putin did, and how his forces acted - indiscriminate bombing.. but that's typical for the Russian army and airforce, they use way less guided bombs

    Having said all that I hope you all remember how many civilians died for wars some of us cheered on - from Afghanistan to Iraq.. while it was actually mostly Saudis who were on the 9/11 planes. So we really should be the last to point fingers, because if we don't hold our own "leaders" accountable for their crimes against humanity - not even talking about covid, just the regular bombings and drone strikes and assassination campaigns - then of course Putin may think..fuck it.. these hordes of NPCs have it coming.. and that's exactly what might happen

    What would you do if a billion Fred Lapides', foaming at their mouth and programmed to believe any BS point fingers at you and come at you and call for your death? You might as well see if the nuclear option makes them shut up and question things a bit for a moment. Maybe he should nuke a military base in Ukraine, I don't know.. but our media is programming our own people - sometimes against us, like during covid - ready to put us all into concentraiton camps or cheer taking our bank accounts away - sometimes they program us to cheer on wars.. It is a dire situation, even without Putin we need to desperately reflect what we have been doing under this programming spell

  5. Right on baby. Keep ducking 🙉

  6. "You guys realize that this war could have been avoided if Ukraine didn't plan to join NATO?"

    You realize that Russia was also on the RNATO joining escalator?



    Come on troll.

    Come in Fruit cakes

  7. Don’t believe Putin is the injured party here. Ukraine, in NATO or out was never a threat to Putin or Russia. As for NATO on Russia’s borders the Baltic’s have been there for years, Norway and Poland too. No, Putin is unhinged. The proof is he had such a good thing going, he hooked Europe on Russian energy so they’d bend his way on a lot of issues. Instead of using that long term, he decided he wanted a Greater Russian Empire in the short term.

    Zelensky had a 25% approval ration before the war, was not as corrupt as the guy before him but wasn’t a saint by any stretch, now he’s at 90% and the West’s flavor of the month. Sweden and Finland will be joining NATO and the Russian economy is in ruin. When their stock market opens tomorrow I give it less than two hours before they close it again.

    Like most despots Putin couldn't have enough of anything and it’s going to kill him, literally. No matter what happens in Ukraine Putin’s days are numbered. He looks in the mirror and thinks he sees Russia. In fact Russians aren’t introverted and sullen consumed with a desire to return to the Cold War. They want a modern and vibrant Russian society and love Russia a lot more than they love Putin. His real enemy is the people and historically, especially in Russia, that doesn’t bode well for living to a ripe old age to sit on the porch of your dacha. It usually means a shallow grave in the forest.

  8. "What would you do if a billion Fred Lapides', foaming at their mouth and programmed to believe any BS"

    Foaming at the mouth


    programmed to believe any BS

    I do believe that anon (4:53) has you down to a T.

    You literally believe anything the New York times prints in a 1984 fashion. Last year you did not believe Hunter's laptop was real. because the NYT said so. This year you believe that Hunter's laptop, because the NYT said so. You are the modern day equivalent of Winston Smith's peers made flesh. You regularly engage in two minutes of hate on command. FIDO has nothing on you.

    You were the one that quoted the 50 Intel officials, who said the laptop was Russian disinformation. You believed it, because you committed two logical fallacies. they are "Appeal to Authority" and "Ad populum".

    You are person that should not be near anyone or anything for that matter.

  9. Exactly @1140

    I'm the guy who gave Fred Lapides the nickname little parrot here on this blog years ago already

    He believed every lie the media dished out

    He rooted for Comey
    He believed the Steele dossier
    He believed the "vaccines" are safe and work
    He believed the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinfo
    He believed Jessie Smollett was targeted by racist Maga types

    Even now he doesn't understand how he's being programmed and used and how he amplifies all our problems

    He is the epitome of the west's demise. People who no longer think for themselves but cheer on whatever the telly says

    So of course he sees the world in black and white. No grey zone. No nuance. No fault ever ever committed by his team.

    That's what it is to him. A sport. He just wants to cheer on his team and belong -- somewhere-- to someone, even if that means he puts his health and soul on the line.

    So be it.

  10. "He believed Jessie Smollett was targeted by racist Maga types"

    When Fred lost the argument, he regaled us to a line of "Smell it". It was passing off a blood libel off as SBD fart and "oh shucks, a fart is no big deal".

  11. More shit from mother's little helper
    I have said many times in comments here that if there was something done by Hunter then he would be indicted and I would fully approve of that and any sentence he was given for illegal acts. I never said he was innocent. I consistently said: give me the evidence. That laptop is still being investigated and I will say it again. If Hunter has done something illegal, then indict him.
    the moral? top trying to make claims about what I have said unless you can quote my comments directly.

  12. again: prove Hunter did something illegal. Then indict. Meantime, try this:

    "According to the NYT story that has renewed the frenzy around the laptop Rudy Giuliani released just before the election, Federal prosecutors still haven’t determined whether Hunter Biden’s treatment of Chinese, Kazakh, and Ukrainian influence efforts amounted to a crime. But they do have evidence that Hunter Biden tried to be explicit that he could not influence his father to help Burisma.

    In one email to Mr. Archer in April 2014, Mr. Biden outlined his vision for working with Burisma. In the email, Hunter Biden indicated that the forthcoming announcement of a trip to Ukraine by Vice President Biden — who is referred to in the email as “my guy,” but not by name — should “be characterized as part of our advice and thinking — but what he will say and do is out of our hands.”

    The announcement “could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit,” Hunter Biden wrote.

    Vice President Biden traveled to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, about a week after the email.

    In the same April 2014 email, Hunter Biden indicated that Burisma’s officials “need to know in no uncertain terms that we will not and cannot intervene directly with domestic policymakers, and that we need to abide by FARA and any other U.S. laws in the strictest sense across the board.”

    He suggested enlisting the law firm where he worked at the time, Boies Schiller Flexner, to help Burisma through “direct discussions at state, energy and NSC,” referring to two cabinet departments and the National Security Council at the White House.

    The firm “can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate U.S. domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be,” Mr. Biden wrote in the email.

    And sworn testimony from experts in both parties say Hunter did not dissuade his father from taking steps to crack down on corruption.

    Of these three well-connected Americans being cultivated by powerful and corrupt Ukrainians — some but not all of them known Russian agents — only Rudy Giuliani is known to have had a direct effect on policy. Among other things, Rudy got Marie Yovanovitch fired. In only Rudy’s case, then, do we have clearcut proof that a Ukrainian influence operation had the desired effect of changing American policy. Though even there, it’s not yet clear whether Rudy’s unregistered influence peddling was criminal."
    "The Laptop" Is the Functional Equivalent of The Steele Dossier, 1: Rudy Is the Real Scandal


  13. So mister vinegar and piss *4:27) copies another NYT article

    This after the moaner was caught using two logical fallacies, "Appeal to Authority" and "Ad populum", and you think another copy and paste by the liars you read will work
