Wednesday, March 23, 2022

There’s A Lot You Don’t See In Maps Of The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine

Faast & Company: There’s a lot you don’t see in maps of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Here’s how to look at them differently  

What’s hidden from maps can be just as interesting as what’s shown.  

“All maps are lies,” my colleague, geographer David Salisbury, says. 

He’s right. All maps are inherently incomplete, focusing on certain subjects and areas to the exclusion of others. These are crucial aspects of rhetoric, the field I study. Every map distorts the world, whether it’s of a local area or the whole Earth. No map can do otherwise, except a map exactly as large as the territory it depicts—though as the author Jorge Luis Borges famously pointed out, that map would be useless. 

But maps’ lies can be productive. Maps can simplify the world and make it more easily comprehensible.  

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WNU Editor: The maps that I trust are from the BBC, France 24/AFP, and The Financial Times. 

The Live Universal Awareness Map is a must see (link here). It is an independent journalism site that draws on news stories and social media from all over the world and connects them to an interactive online map.


  1. not certain about the fairness or reliability of BBC, which tends to be a propaganda organ for the New World Order and the international banking interests.

  2. Don't trust the BBC or any British news outlet with the exception of GB News. All British TV news & news papers are upper class lefty propaganda outlets. Keep ducking 🙉

    1. Agreed, and at the top of that trash heap sit the Guardian and BBC...

  3. trust no one and nothing and just do as Trump tells you and the truth will make you free...ha ha ha
    that is why he lost.
