Friday, March 18, 2022

Tweets Of The Day


  1. 'The worst poem ever written': Bono is ridiculed for his 'unhinged' poetry for Ukraine after Nancy Pelosi read it out at St Patrick's Day lunch

    For this poetry reading and/or midterm blood bath Westcoast party donors will sit Nancy down and tell her she is done. Nancy will have only two and half more years of office.

    They put her reading on the radio. She read fairly well and didn't slur words, but it was very cringy nonetheless.

  2. Pelosi couldn't even read it without stumbling over her words. Why does nobody ever retire in America ?

    He's so far up himself he doesn't even see that to everyone else he's just a joke.

    And let's have a drunk, geriatric witch read it to make it even worse! LOOOL! Dems are so woke they are completely out of touch!

    C R I N G E !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh. My. God.

    He's not a poet And now we all know it

    She sounded like a first grade teacher reading a poem written by one of her students. He tone was that of a teacher who knows the poem sucks but knows that that's the best a first grader can do so she acts like she likes it.

  3. try talking about policies and what is done and needs doing instead of childish schoolyard name calling.
    You sound like Trump: insults and nothing else.
    that is why he did not get a second term

  4. When The Speaker of the House, Lush Pelosi, reads poems and goes emo instead of discussing and effecting sound policy that is news and it needs talking about.

    Trump did not get a second term because several swing states in a coordinated manner stopped ballot counting at the same time in the wee hours of the night and cheated.

    Frederick R. Lapides, you must be proud of yourself.

  5. oh, looky...bad boy using a real name but of course can not use his name ever because mommy would cut him off from her titty
