Friday, March 25, 2022

Tweets Of The Day


  1. Criticism of Dictator Trudeau

    Which was not carried by government press for some odd reason.

    “You are a disgrace” stated Christine Anderson, German member of the EU Parliament. Anderson accused Trudeau of admiring China’s basic dictatorship, and called out the prime minister for trampling on “fundamental rights by criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists just because they dare to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy.”

    Back in Canada, state-funded CBC News has not reported on the incident. In a statement that went viral online, MEP Mislav Kolakusic of Croatia condemned Trudeau in the worst of terms:

    “There are those among us who trample on those fundamental values,” a reference to some protesters’ controversial encounter with police horses near Parliament Hill.


    Speaking of Mr. Trudeau, Kolakusic said “united citizens of the world can stop a regime that wants to destroy the freedom of citizens, either by bombs or harmful pharmaceutical products.”


    Another MEP, Cristian Terhes of Romania, refused to join a meeting because Trudeau was in attendance. Terhes stated that the Canadian prime minister can’t come and “teach democracy lessons to Putin from the European Parliament when you trample with horse hooves your own citizens who are demanding their fundamental rights be respected.”

  2. Unhappy with the guy? He got voted in. Perhaps next time your guy will win. That is how democracy works. time to learn that

  3. There are dictators who get voted into office before going dictatorial. But you are okay with it or so it seems.

    Your votive statue of Boy Band PM Trudeau is right next to your votive statues of Hugo Chavez and Adolf.

    My point was to point at that three MP ranked politicians called out that the emperor has no clothes. Question is how long can the CBC and other shit media hide these calls from the Canadian voting public.

  4. He won. that is that. now relax. when it is time to vote you can vote him out. Spitting out names at this site does nothing to change the politics of Canada. nada. zip. zero.

  5. "when it is time to vote you can vote him out."

    You really don't get how parliamentary Democracies work do you? You are complete waste of carbon.
