Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ukraine President Zelensky Makes Another Appeal To NATO


Daily Mail: 'NATO has yet to show what the Alliance can do to save people': Zelensky pleads with West to step up and give '1% of all your tanks and planes' along with a delivery of more anti-ship missiles 

* The US has 'started consulting' with allies on providing anti-ship missiles 

* The matter still faces some 'technical challenges,' according to a senior administration official 

* Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made an explicit plea for arms during his video address to the summit 

* He called for NATO to give 1 per cent of its tanks and aircraft 

* He also sought rocket systems, anti-ship weapons, and air defenses 

NATO allies are set to provide new anti-ship weaponry to Ukraine – on a day when the Ukrainian Navy says it scored its first successful attack on a Russian ship off its coast. 

President Joe Biden mentioned the assistance as he spoke to NATO allies about the U.S. and allied effort to support Ukraine in its fight to drive off the Russian invasion. 

'We have started consulting with allies on providing anti-ship missiles to Ukraine,' a senior administration told reporters Thursday.  

Read more .... 

Ukraine President Zelensky Makes Another Appeal To NATO  

READ: Zelensky’s address to NATO leaders -- CNN  

Zelenskyy criticizes NATO in address to its leaders, saying it has failed to show it can 'save people' -- Insider 

Zelensky asks NATO for 1% of alliance’s jets, fighter tanks -- NYPost  

Russia 'invested crazy money' in weapons, Zelensky tells NATO in plea for tanks and planes -- Yahoo News


  1. Where's the fuel for all this motorized equipment going to come from in a little while longer?

  2. 9:14 has schweinfurt syndrome

  3. "We have started consulting with allies on providing anti-ship missiles to Ukraine"
    Already?...... The nap was pretty long.

  4. 9:45 do you get the schweinfurt reference?

    once thing is for sure. u b a swinefurter

  5. "NATO has yet to show what the alliance can do...." NATO was weak and disorganized before the Russian/Ukraine shooting war started. While it could have become organized in the sense of being unified, it's doubtful that it could have become strong in only the last month.

    Perhaps in giving his pep talk Mr. Zelensky has deluded himself. Perhaps he's feeding off the crush the US media has on him. I hope Ukraine prevails here.

    1. Nonsense, it's you're much hyped Russian forces that have proven the.sekves to be 2nd or perhaps 3rd tier military.

    2. There not "my Russian forces." I'm rooting against them and for Ukraine. While I don't think it's likely, I hope Ukraine prevails!!

    3. I know you support ukraine , but you have bought into the mighty Russian and iranian army hyperbole for years .


    1. Most Western News is little more than the Zelensky/Ukraine cheering section. With that said, while I don't think in terms of "realpolik" Russia could very well fail even if serious leaders such as Naftali Benet don't think so. American leaders have staked our futures on a Russian failure and Ukraine is the relative good guy here and they're on our side. I hope Ukraine wins here!!

    2. What I meant is in terms of "realpolitik" Russian failure here seems unlikely to me. It could happen though and I hope it does!! I apologize for the poor sentence structure.

  7. Nato, comrade P., is now stronger than ever. You keep sucking on your vodka

    1. The cute vodka reference here appears to imply I'm Russian. I've provided numerous proofs on this website that easily refute such a notion. As with anything someone needs to follow the evidence as opposed to relying on ideology to reach conclusions.

      If NATO is "stronger than ever," we have former president Trump to thank for it. His cajoling of NATO members to make the proper investments in their defense could've made a difference but, at this point, it's little more than baby steps. Years of imprper allocation can't be fixed that quickly.

      NATO in it's current form poses no offensive threat to anyone. The social club is little more than users, abusers, and grifters relying on American generosity and largess.

      If Ukraine wants to join the club, they should be free to do do so provided the other members want them in. While the US government would jump at the chance to welcome Ukraine in, I don't see other members doing that. When Mr. Zelensky stated that Ukraine would never be a member of NATO, he said nothing new simply putting into words what everyone whose paying attention already knew.

  8. sin after sin what a fool and u keep give what it wants war war war

  9. I love it, when accountant, B Poster, of Conroe, Texas posts during working hours.

    Who would have think it?

    1. Working hours average 10.5 to 12 hours a day right now at least six days a week and oftentimes substantial time on Sundays. They don't follow a set schedule, as you call it "Working hours."

      I explained this before. Perhaps you missed it.

      If you doubt my claims as to who I am or where I reside, contact me. I've made it easy for you to do so.

  10. The preponderance of your posts over the last fifteen years says otherwise,

    1. Over the years as new information is recieved positions on various things will change. We should never be afraid to challenge our assumptions lest they challenge us. Generally in most posts I don't reveal my true identity or location. I use a screen name to identify myself from others to make myself more identifiable for replies etc

      There's nothing in the posts that would suggest I'm not who I've said I am here. To rely on a "preponderance of posts" as your primary source especially when I've provided you with more reliable information that's easily verifiable seems to be a rather weak analysis.

      I should remind you that it is a common tactic of the US leadership class and their media surrogates to slander people by referring to them as "Russian agents" and other such things when they are questioned. Thus way they hope to not have to address the underlying dissent.

      Your actions here are similar. You have nothing to offer in the way of analysis. You don't agree with me. Your only option is to use slander.

      We do not "know" the outcome of the Russia/Ukraine war yet. It is dyill relatively early. Based upon the odds I project any kind of Ukrainian victory yo be highly unlikely. Based upon such realistic analysis an astute leader in Naftali Benet issued recommendations. Ukraine has chosen a different course. I hope Ukraine prevails

      On a final note, I don't trust the US or "western" mainstream media as primary source. They've developed into little more than the Zelensky/Ukraine fan club. As such, I believe their judgment is clouded.

      The editor has provided links to some analysis that is indeed "sobering" as they nake a much more serious effort to analyze this than the Zelensky cheering section does and it doesn't look good for Ukraine. While I hope Ukraine wins, making decisions based upon what I perceive as wishful thinking isn't good for anyone.

  11. The "you're either with the pedophile billionaires ruining our foreign policy, or you're with the russians" crowd really are knuckledraggers. I appreciate your perspective B.Poster. At least you put more effort into it than drooling on the keyboard and pressing enter after a few keys have shorted out like the baboon you're replying to.

    1. I do try. Thank you. Am I always right? Of course not. I've had to make course corrections a number of times over the years and I'm sure I will at some point in the future.
