Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Ukrainian President Zelensky Addresses Canada's Parliament (Live)


  1. 'I hope they didn't mean to hurt me': Heartbreaking words of Ukrainian girl, nine, after losing an ARM when she was shot by Russians who machine-gunned her family, killing her father

  2. Remember when Iraq was invaded and Saddam Hussein was toppled & executed based on Nigerian yellowcake forgeries produced by Western intelligence and everyone just moved on like that never happened.

    Remember when Assad was winning the Syrian civil war and Obama started screeching that Syria better not use chemical weapons despite no sane reason for the Assad regime to use them in a war it had essentially won. Remember that after Obama issued these bizarre declarations for about a month the white helmets coordinated two staged chemical attacks for western consumption in an attempt to give Obama his “just cause” to invade?

    Now the same people who rushed into illegal war after illegal war shake their fingers with righteous indignation at “illegal wars” as we worm our way into a new one.

    Dude is going to have an audience with both houses Wednesday. It will be his most dramatic performance.

    The purpose is to convince you World War III is virtuous and desirable in defense of Joe Biden's vassal state and puppet regime.

  3. 12:30 slappin words together but they aren't making sense. Take the meds then write the post, big fella.

  4. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/have-your-yellowcake/

    Claim: The removal of yellowcake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to restart Iraq’s nuclear program.

    Status: False.

    "The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers under the supervision of U.N. inspectors. It was not a “secret” cache that was recently “discovered” by the U.S, nor had the yellowcake been purchased by Iraq in the years immediately preceding the 2003 invasion."

    "What happened was that U.S. Marines stumbled across known stocks of uranium stored beneath the Tuwaitha nuclear research center, stocks that were not suitable for use in atomic weapons and had long since been cataloged, stored in sealed containers, and safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), stored at a site that had been repeatedly surveyed by U.N. inspectors:"

    Oops! Damn, I guess you're still the bad guy for being an Iraq war apologist. Better luck next time troll.

  5. @12.27

    Remember when the world allowed Nazi Germany take Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement became nothing more than an appeasement settlement. And World War 3 happened anyway because then they took Poland. Remember that?

    Remember how Russia invaded Georgia and the world did nothing but wag their fingers? Or how they took Crimea. And are now taking piecemeal out of Ukraine. Remember that?

    You can either continue to be in denial of fear because of World War 3 or you can actually stand up to countries like Russia. If it was your country, I wonder how you would feel then if the rest of the world stood by and watched while you got gobbled up by your bigger neighbor.

    People like the WNU author, yourself and pro-Russian apologists seem to have deluded themselves out of fear and as a result, inaction and the incapability of acting to safeguard nations like Ukraine from those wishing to take their sovereignty away. It's easy for watchers from afar to say NO to a No-Fly zone, but its hard to tell those who are suffering slaughter at the hands of Russians that they won't be getting the help they need. Paralyzed by fear of a potential broadened conflict.

    But the consequences of allowing Russia to gobble up Ukraine will be felt throughout the world; make no mistake, inaction will have its price that you and everyone else will have to pay.

  6. War started 8 years ago bud.

  7. Putin invaded Ukraine. that is all you need to know

  8. Sassan planned 9/11 that’s all you need to know.

  9. (1)

    "Yellowcake Yellowcake (also called urania) is a type of uranium concentrate powder obtained from leach solutions, in an intermediate step in the processing of uranium ores. It is a step in the processing of uranium after it has been mined but before fuel fabrication or uranium enrichment."

    Yellow cake can be made into nuclear bomb material just like uranium ore can be.

    (2) AL Qaeda moved through Iran and Iraq prior to 911 with the full knowledge of the respective intelligence services. At the very least Iran and Iraq along with their intelligence services gave sanctuary and free transit to Al Qaeda. They could have given supplies, training and intel.

  10. ahhhh, the yammering technique

    Who said Sodom Hussein planed 911? No one

    What has been posited is that he provided material support.

    keep yammering
