Thursday, March 24, 2022

U.S. Making Contingency Plans If Russia Uses Chemical, Biological Or Nuclear Weapons

President Joe Biden departs the White House for a trip to Europe on Wednesday morning, March 23, 2022. Biden is to land in Brussels on Wednesday evening and he is set to announce new sanctions on Russian lawmakers before meeting with NATO allies and the European Union before traveling to Poland later in the week. (Pete Marovich/The New York Times) 

Seattle Times/New York Times: U.S. makes contingency plans in case Russia uses its most powerful weapons  

BRUSSELS — The White House has quietly assembled a team of national security officials to sketch out scenarios of how the United States and its allies should respond if Russian President Vladimir Putin — frustrated by his lack of progress in Ukraine or determined to warn Western nations against intervening in the war — unleashes his stockpiles of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. 

The Tiger Team, as the group is known, is also examining responses if Putin reaches into NATO territory to attack convoys bringing weapons and aid to Ukraine, according to several officials involved in the process. Meeting three times a week, in classified sessions, the team is also looking at responses if Russia seeks to extend the war to neighboring nations, including Moldova and Georgia, and how to prepare European countries for the refugees flowing in on a scale not seen in decades. 

Those contingencies are expected to be central to an extraordinary session here in Brussels on Thursday, when President Joe Biden meets leaders of the 29 other NATO nations, who will be meeting for the first time — behind closed doors, their cellphones and aides banished — since Putin invaded Ukraine.

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WNU Editor: I do not think the US government nor the West truly comprehend what the consequences will be if they should intervene in the Russia - Ukraine war. This is not a virtual war where the US strikes targets with smart bombs via through computer screens, have multiple rules of engagement, be sensitive of civilian casualties, and have decisions made with one eye on how the media covers the war and the public reaction to it. 

This is not like Iraq or Afghanistan wars (where by the way the U.S. lost). 

This is a real war where the goal on both sides is to destroy and wipe out the other side. Where outright victory is the only goal. Where massive civilian and military casualties are going to occur (and are expected), and where the most deadliest of weapons are going to be used. 

If the U.S./NATO decide to get involved in the Russia - Ukraine war, this will not be like any other war that the U.S. has experienced in its history. This will be worse than World War 2, and the U.S. homeland alongside Europe are not going to be spared.


  1. China will sit this out and Russia would be fighting three, or four, nuclear powers. Warhead count is about even. It’s national suicide, on either side, to launch ICBMs. Chemical weapons more probable and in the end I’d say neither. Why, the weight of Russian forces will
    eventually win in Ukraine. At some point they may not run out of weapons but they will run out of soldiers. NATO won’t start a war with Russia as long as combat, and it’s effects, are restricted to non NATO territory. Cyber probably will be seen but it won’t be catastrophic

  2. You are correct.

    Those poor guys at that training base last week got a taste of it. They got hammered. For soldiers in the field, it is a big difference if you do not control the air. Your life is ugly. The US military has not experienced that since WWII. They will suffer.

    As for the homeland, these ideological freaks in DC have no idea what they are inviting. An all out war will go badly for America. Why? Look at 1940's lend lease. This will now be China in the lend lease roll. America cannot win such a war. We do not have the economic strength to do so. Figure it like this. How many tank, Aircraft and weapons plants does the US have? Not Many. It takes 5-10 years to build a capital ship, or Sub and about as long to repair one. Of course time lines will be shortened in emergencies, but still it will take least a couple of years to do these things. Then you have the Current US population...not much confidence there as far as a will or capability to fight. But maybe that will change too when uncle Henry and aunt May end up dead from Foreign bombs...but don't count on it.
    All in all not a pretty sight. But the key is those who are in charge and i do not think those guys care one Iota for the common man. They will not will fight, but they will send others to do so in a heartbeat. And when the Republic breaks, they will get in their private jets and all fly away to their 2nd or 4th homes overseas. And they will all wail and nash their teeth on how they tried to defeat evil as they saw it, but the slobs and deplorables made this impossible....Yea Right.

  3. If Russia use chemical or nuclear weapons the US answer will be "never seen": Sleepy Joe will make his nape twice long without the agreement of Putin. Frightening!

  4. Indeed Russiaz and china need to be sanctioned back to the stone ages.

  5. The russian economy needs to be drowned. Any avenues of aid targeted.

    A nuclear terrorist simply cannot be allowed to exist.

  6. Why not send traitors here to another nation since they seem to dislike living in America?

  7. It is better to denounce Biden than to say bad things about Russia invading a democracy and causing some 3.5 million refugees to flee their homes.

  8. What really counts is not what Biden says or does but what NATO will agree to do should Russia use chemical weapons. That is as yet unknown but will soon be made very public

  9. "It is better to denounce Biden than to say bad things about Russia invading a democracy and causing some 3.5 million refugees to flee their homes."

    Biden is an illegitimate president ensconced by the like of Ruby Freeman. Being a tool and a very dumb and senile tool at that, he has has backed or been used by a party that has given us double digit inflation, shortages and a cold civil war.

    Unlike a pointy head, the rest if us can walk and chew gum at the same time. We can criticize both Putin and Biden in the same breath.

  10. I’m really glad that there is a team in place to think ahead. If the West is only reactive, Putin has the upper hand. That said, the Tiger Team must keep it’s recommendations secret and not draw ignorable red lines like Obama. Putin has to be kept on the back foot.

  11. >Why not send traitors here to another nation since they seem to dislike living in America?

    Blindly supporting a mafia puppet colony across the planet doesn't make you a patriotic american.

    >It is better to denounce Biden than to say bad things about Russia invading a democracy and causing some 3.5 million refugees to flee their homes.

    That wonderful democracy that killed 14,000 of it's own people while you pretended not to notice. That bastion of freedom that outlawed all political opposition and non state media.

    Give me a break. You're a fake american you shill.

  12. only dick puller is the guy who downloads 3 tranches of nudes a day
