Thursday, March 17, 2022

White House: "We Are Not Interested In Getting Into World War III."

WNU Editor: White House Press Secretary Psaki was responding to this question .... White House stands firm on opposition to no-fly zone over Ukraine despite Zelenskyy plea (FOX News).


  1. "Two — No-fly zones don’t work in a big-power, symmetrical standoff. In a cost-benefit analysis, they are not worth the risk of shooting down the planes of a nuclear power. They usually do little to stop planes outside of such zones shooting missiles into them. Sending long-range, high-altitude anti-aircraft batteries to Ukraine to deny Russian air superiority is a far better way of regaining air parity."

    - Victor Davis Hanson

  2. TRUMP was right!

    "Three — Europe, NATO members, and Germany in particular have de facto admitted that their past decades of shutting down nuclear plants, coal mines, and oil and gas fields have left Europe at the mercy of Russia. They are promising to rearm and meet their promised military contributions. By their actions, they are admitting that their critics, the United States in particular, were right, and they were dangerously wrong in empowering Putin."

    - Victor Davis Hanson

  3. Trump is always right. That is why he got re-elected

  4. He was re-elected. That is why they needed Coomer for the steal.

  5. only the fully retarded believe Trump won and if you think so show your evidence or you are in that elite retarded group

  6. Benford's Analysis... but you have always had a tough time with numbers haven't you girlie boy.

  7. poor girly boy russians are getting pushed backed in kherson

  8. You might not want WW3, BUT, WW3 might want you. Keep ducking 🙉
