Sunday, October 30, 2022

Majority Of Americans Say Putin Should Be Overthrown

© Gavriil Grigorov/POOL/TASS  

DNYUZ/Newsweek: Putin Should Be Overthrown, Majority of Americans Say: Poll 

A majority of American voters believe seeking to remove Russian President Vladimir Putin from power is a “reasonable objective,” according to a new survey conducted exclusively for Newsweek. 

On February 24 Putin ordered his army into Ukraine, triggering one of the biggest wars in Europe since the end of World War II. 

After the Russians initially made significant gains, Ukraine has recaptured some territory over the past couple of months, particularly around the northern city of Kharkiv and Kherson in the south. 

According to the Redfield and Wilton poll, conducted for Newsweek, 60 percent of U.S. voters think seeking to “remove Vladimir Putin from power would be a reasonable objective.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: US President Biden has been saying the same thing since the start of the war .... Biden Says War In Ukraine Is A Test For Democracies And That Putin 'Cannot Remain In Power' (RFE). Russian public opinion polls have a different view .... Poll reveals level of Russian public’s confidence in Putin (TASS).


  1. Oh this is funny as hell. So the population of a country who has a blithering idiot for a leader says that another country's leader should be deposed. Really?? You cannot make this stuff up.

    And what does that mean, considering the elite leadership establishment of America had to know that the blithering idiot was a dementia case. Well, what it means is that the power establishment of America does not care one wit about the people or future of America. All they care about is themselves and power. This makes any kind or war situation all the more dangerous.

  2. Yes by all means, over throw Putin!

    And then what? I guess we'll just anoint in the new amiable Russian puppet who will humbly agree to all of the reformations and reparations that Russia and its population will concede to for its barbaric invasion of Ukraine.


    Over throw Putin and you get a country with 5000 nuclear weapons in chaos. A TOTAL stoppage of gas and oil to EU. A country with guys standing up Putin who are a lot more "Putiny" than Putin.

    The continued short-sighted escalation of this (was preventable) war will result in a nuclear weapon being used in anger.



  3. Should Putin go. Yes, but that's a move the russian people need to make.

    Would love to see a pic of putin in handcuffs surrounded by his generals.

  4. No one in Russia cares about this opinion

  5. Putin and Biden need to share a cell.
