Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Fighting In East Ukraine Has Descended Into Trench Warfare

A member of the 68th Independent Jager Brigade of the Ukrainian Army moves positions in order to scan the horizon for Russian military from his position in the trenches near the frontline in the Southern Donbas region in Ukraine, November 29, 2022. REUTERS/Leah Millis  

The Guardian: Fighting in east Ukraine descends into trench warfare as Russia seeks breakthrough 

The town of Bakhmut has been mostly abandoned as relentless shelling reduced buildings to rubble 

Fighting around the key eastern Ukraine town of Bakhmut has descended into a bloody morass with hundreds of dead and injured reported daily, as neither Russian or Ukrainian forces were able to make a significant breakthrough after months of fighting. 

As Russia moved fresh formations to the area in recent weeks, including reinforcements previously in the Kherson region, the fighting in the Bakhmut sector has descended into trench warfare reminiscent of the first world war.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Ukraine is denying reports that the town of Bakhmut is surrounded by Russian forces. My Russian sources say that in the past week a number of towns around Bakkhmut have been seized by their forces. I do not know who is right, but I do know that the worst fighting of this war is now happening in this part of the Donbas. 

Fighting In East Ukraine Has Descended Into Trench Warfare  

Trenches, mud and death: One Ukrainian battlefield looks like something out of World War I -- CNBC  

Ukrainian soldiers face a new adversary: muddy trenches -- Reuters  

Ukraine locked in trench warfare as Russian push for Bakhmut continues -- NYPost  

Ukraine Situation Report: The Bloody Battle For Bakhmut -- Warzone/The Drive  

Continuous assaults, water-logged trenches, and cold: How Ukraine is holding the line in Bakhmut -- The New Voice of Ukraine


  1. Well, gee it has been laid out in the maps. Bakhmut is about 3 quarters surrounded. I don't think the Russian can take the northern flank. Not without amore artillery than the Ukrainians or sacrificing 3 to 1.

    ISW said Bakhmut could be taken, but it would be really expensive for Russia. The Germans all but took Stalingrad. They held part of the Red Oktober Factory. Nice victory that. How much does Russia want to pay?

    Polygamy? Is it in Russia's future?

  2. You Slavs keep killing each othere. They will find replacements to occupy your land and homes.

    Hmmmm were have we heard of that one before????

  3. Muslims, Hispanics, African and Chinese will replace you all.

    Slavic language will be an ancient, defunct language.

  4. Never close the gap and fully surround a pocket. This has been Russian doctrine for the entire war. They artificially "close the gap" with fire control, but they don't want any suicidal last stands at the current moment in time. Attrition is the name of the game, and that gap simultaneously allows Ukraine to constantly truck more conscripts into an unwinnable grinder, and allows them a very costly retreat if/when the top brass decides it can't do that any longer. All the while most casualties are inflicted at standoff range. Rinse & repeat.

  5. That Russian artillery fires, the Ukrainian will fire counterbattery.

    We know the Ukrainians are better at artillery. If they were not the Russians would have wiped them out by now given their starting lead. The Russian must suck at counterbattery.

  6. Russia had a 7 to 1 advantage in artillery. Russia has not one and the advantage is less now.

    So no bloviating, Russia sucks at artillery.

    My analysis is that Russia is a neo-feudal society and so it will always suck.

  7. Your racist. Since Ukraine has a society with neo feudal tendencies, i guess you just hate all slavs in general

  8. I based my neo-feudal determination based on the how the Russian ruling class operates and how the Russian military hierarchy operates.

    I was speaking about Russia. I proved my point.

    My belief and analysis is that the American elite are sprinting desperately to catch up to the Russian oligarchs and elite.

  9. Deep stuff, and well-substantiated bloviating--my mistake!

  10. It is deep stuff. Russia is in deep shit. No NCOs
