Tuesday, December 13, 2022

American And British Ballistic Missile Submarines Join For A Photo-Op Somewhere In The Atlantic

A great image from a recent exercise with USS Tennessee and a Vanguard class. Being overflown by an E6 and MH60R. Credit to @USFleetForces FB page  

Warzone/The Drive: American, British Ballistic Missile Submarines Join For Highly Unusual Show Of Force 

Vanguard class and Ohio class submarines seen together in the latest peculiar announcement highlighting America’s seagoing nuclear deterrent. 

The U.S. Navy has released an exceptionally rare picture showing the Ohio class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee, sailing on the surface alongside an unnamed British Vanguard class ballistic missile submarine somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Both types are part of their countries' respective nuclear deterrent arsenals. 

This is just the latest example this year of a highly unusual disclosure related to the Navy's 14 Ohio class ballistic missile submarines, or SSBNs, as well as the four other Ohios that have been converted into guided missile submarines, or SSGNs. Just since October, the Navy has publicly announced USS West Virginia's presence in the Arabian Sea and subsequent arrival at the British island territory of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, which hosts a significant American military presence, as well as a port visit by USS Rhode Island to the British naval base in Gibraltar.  

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WNU Editor: The UK Defense Journal is correct. This is the US and the UK sending a nuclear threat/message to Russia .... UK and US nuclear missile submarines send message to Russia (UKDJ)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The warmongers are boasting here of their power. What a pathetic example of the West's values and intentions.