Friday, December 16, 2022

As Russia Escalates Its Attacks On Ukraine's Infrastructure, Western Allies Brace for Higher Ukraine Costs

Damage from a recent Russian missile attack in Kyiv on Dec. 1. (Serhiy Morgunov for The Washington Post) 

 Washington Post: Russia is destroying Ukraine's economy, raising costs for U.S. and allies 

KYIV, Ukraine - Two months of relentless missile and drone attacks by Russia have decimated Ukraine's critical infrastructure and blown a hole in projections for the country's war-ravaged economy. 

Before those strikes, Kyiv expected to need at least $55 billion in foreign assistance next year to meet basic expenses - more than the country's entire annual prewar spending. 

Now, with its energy systems severely battered, and more Russian attacks likely, some officials believe Ukraine could end up needing another $2 billion a month, and political leaders have begun trying to brace Western supporters for such worst-case scenarios. 

"What do you do when you can't heat your house, you can't run your shops, factories or plants, and your economy is not working?" said Oleg Ustenko, an economic adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky. "We are going to be requiring more financial assistance, and Putin is doing this to destroy unity among allies."  

Read more ....  

Update: US braces allies for higher Ukraine costs – WaPo (RT) 

WNU Editor: The Germans are already getting a taste on how destructive this war is economically .... Germany's Energy Crisis Has Already Cost Half A Trillion Dollars And Counting.


  1. At some point we are just going to get sick of Russia running up the bill and just nuke Russia.

  2. Won’t just be Russia retaliating, China will likely be launching as well. Amazing how many westerners are AOK with nuclear annihilation over a country like Ukraine. That’s a good indication of how denigrated and unfulfilling life has become in Canada and the United States.

  3. 1:12's rule of thumb that if a large country attacks a small country then no one should ever pay attention or care because it is not worth it.


    History lesson for Moscow intern.

    Sargon was the #2 guy in Mesopotamia. Lugal was #1. Lugal did not mess with Sargon and Sargon did not want to mess with Lugal. So Sargon conquered small inconsequential cities north and away from Lugal. Then he turned back around and beat Lugal in open battle with a much larger army.'''No coutry is so inconsequential that you can let another country conquer and do nothing. Not Ukraine. Not Poland. Not Czechoslovakia.

    1. Pretty sure the US went in and destroyed Iraq on false pretenses. And look at what France did to Libya, had a legitimate ruler slain in the streets by thugs. That country is destroyed and will never be the same. Russia had every right to prevent western aggression from planting roots in Ukraine, we would have done nothing different if it was us, except be a little more efficient and effective perhaps.

  4. I'm on board giving ukraine massive air defence support

    Nuking russia? You gotta be straight up a satan lover or democrat if you want to nuke children - yes russians too have children, and they are innocent and don't deserve being nuked

  5. Nuke Russia??People like you are running the show so yeah that is a possibility keep in mind though that you not the only ones on the planet that got nukes......

  6. Pretty sire if a nation gets nuked for telling everyone "Do not stop our conventional; forces because we have nuclear forces", no one will try that again.

  7. 1:27

    Then why did we not support Hungry in 56 of the Czechs in 68?
    Both remained under the communist heel until the wall fell 30-50 years later.

    Sargon beat Lugal with a much larger army.. Your words not mine. SO genius where are you going to get "this much larger army". ??

    Where you going to get the men and manpower to invade western Ukraine and take back those areas? What? you going to borrow 100,0000 troops from the Chinese?


    Those guys (NATO) aren't ready for that. If you look at force numbers they are capable of protecting their borders and limited overseas support operations. Be honest Colonel Klink

    So what you are really looking at is US forces. Now we get to the point. You are willing to sacrifice your kids or grandkids for the folks in outer slobovia? Go ahead.,

    And who is going to back you up? Yes, the 492 snowflake battalion, but only after they complete the weekly CRT training and had a Lotte.

    Bottom line, there is no plan to force the Russians to retreat or even back off. If nato interjects it will go nuclear.

    So, no jackass, the folks who post here are not Russian trolls , they see the ugly consequences of arm chair generals like you.

    You think supporting the Ukraine is so important? GOOD!! Put your money where your big mouth is and sell everything you own.

    You and your extended family move to the Ukraine and you all volunteer to fight for Zelinski and his buds in the bunker.

    Come back in 6 months and tell us how it is working out for you.

    Otherwise respect the opposite opinions on this blog and keep your imbecilic insults to yourself.

    Don't want to do that? Then you really are gutless wonder. Perfectly willing to see others killed , but won't sacrifice one piece of your precious skin.. You are PATHETIC.

  8. I don't see droves of volunteers from the US and EU going out to fight the Russians so we best negotiate. Enough already. Nukes shouldn't even be suggested. Totally unnecessary.

  9. 8:38 AM

    slow down cupcake

  10. Then why did we not support Hungry in 56 of the Czechs in 68?
    Both remained under the Russian heel until the wall fell 30-50 years later.


    1. Appreciate the help.
      But we have a question.

      Lenin was Russian.
      But wasn't Stalin a Georgian and Khrushchev an Ukrainian? How about old leon Trotsky he was... Yes Ukrainian
      And who could ever forget everyones favorite old buddy, Iron Felix and he was?.. Yes a polock.

      And what was the most prevalent minority membership in the CHEKA and NKVD?

      No we won't talk about that.

      Stick with the commie label. It doesn't bring up unpleasant things our progressive leaders are unwilling to talk about.

  11. "Back in October 2020, Politico published an article incorrectly claiming the New York Post story on Hunter Biden was Russian disinformation. Turns out Natasha Bertrand, who wrote the article, gaslighted the public even though she knew the Post story was completely true."

    "Cliff Sims, then the deputy director of national intelligence (DNI), revealed that Bertrand reached out to him for comment before publishing her propaganda story. He told her the Post story was not disinformation."

    "The Gateway Pundit reported on deep-state reporter Natasha Bertrand who also lied about the Alfa Bank story.

    "She was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 list in December, 2020."

    Crapo from Pravda. Crap from CNN

    Between a rock and hard place.

  12. 11:14 is confused on how nationality works.

    1. Nice comment. So enlighten us.
      A. was what he said untrue?

      B. So how does " nationality" work? Please explain.

      Otherwise your comment is invalid because it is so general in nature it cannot be substantiated on its own.

  13. You sir are correct. That is what is really disturbing in this modern era.

    Everything needs to be sifted thru. A pain and yet the only way to find the truth

  14. Maybe Stoltenberg can set off a few nukes to stay warm this winter.

  15. Nationality is a subject of study in its own right. Thus the comment is not so general as to be worthless. Darling you live on the steppe or just north of it. Figure it out.

  16. 1:09

    It's not that complicated at all you dolt. And don't try to weasel out of it and cover your tracks.

    This thread was started because someone posted that we should identify the rulers of the USSR as Russians instead of communist when describing the USSR.

    The original poster then answered back listing numerous members of the USSR leadership and showing they were not all Russian.

    You come back and say he did not understand the concept of nationality.

    Then when you are challenged for that comment, you say it is too complicated to explain.

    That is a BS excuse to cover your tracks because you have no idea what you are talking about.

    In your case ....The Magic 8 ball analogy is correct. You are full of crap.

  17. 4:24 you are switch hitter, You writing style screams it,
